Previous Day Reporting

clock 2-minute read calender 1.2.6 | updated Dec. 10, 2024

Run reports for posted transactions

What you can do Endpoint
Health check get /ddaReports/accounts/v1/healthCheck
Get a list of transactions for a historical date range post /ddaReports/accounts/v1/transactions/list
Get a detailed transaction report post /ddaReports/accounts/v1/transactions/details
Get an account summary report for a single historical date post /ddaReports/accounts/v1/transactions/prevDay/summary

Before you begin

All KeyBank APIs require certificates, user credentials, and certain permissions. Check out our Getting Started Guide to learn more.

Previous Day is an information reporting API that returns posted transactions like deposit activity, paid checks, ACH debits and credits, wires, and ACH and wire transactions together in one report.

What does that code mean?

Look up the baiCode that identifies the balance or transaction codes for your report. Go to our Data values page.

get /ddaReports/accounts/v1/healthCheck

Verify you can connect to the API service. A bearer token is required.

Statusoptional string Status of the health check response.
Sourceoptional string Origin of the system response can be 'Gateway' or 'Roundtrip'. Roundtrip returns a response from the farthest system involved.
Timestampoptional string Date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) of response from the API service.
ClientIpoptional string Client IP address the gateway receives from the request.
X-Forwarded-Foroptional string Sequence of IP addresses for systems between the client and the gateway.

Response example (200)

    "Status": "Ok",
    "Source": "Roundtrip",
    "Timestamp": "2022-09-15T04:49:03",
    "ClientIp": "",
    "X-Forwarded-For": "[]"

post /ddaReports/accounts/v1/transactions/list

Retrieve historical transaction activity for one or multiple accounts. Transaction data can be recalled from the previous 24 months. When setting the date range (fromDate and toDate), the date range specified cannot exceed more than 90 days.

accountNumberrequiredarrayOne or more bank account numbers. To look up multiple accounts, separate the account numbers with a comma. This field cannot exceed 16 characters.
fromDaterequiredstringStart date for the date range. The date must be prior to the current date. Transaction data can be recalled from the previous 24 months. Date range cannot exceed more than 90 days. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
toDaterequiredstringThe end date of a date range for the submitted transactions. Transaction data can be recalled from the previous 24 months. The date must be later than the start date (fromDate). Date range cannot exceed more than 90 days. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
creditOrDebitCodeoptionalstringCode that indicates if the transaction is a credit or a debit. To retrieve both credit and debit transactions, leave this field blank. Valid values: C (credit), D (debit)
transactionTypeCodeoptionalstringThe banking processor code for a particular transaction type. If the type is not specified in the request, all transaction types associated with the account activity are returned.
fromAmountoptionalstringThe minimum amount of a transaction. If no amount is specified, all amounts greater than $0.00 are returned.
toAmountoptionalstringThe maximum amount of a transaction. If no amount is specified, all transactions are returned.
startRowIndexoptionalstringPagination parameter that indicates the starting count available for the records. If this parameter is not provided, value will default to 1.
endRowIndexoptionalstringPagination parameter that indicates the last count available for the records. If this parameter is not provided, value will default to 1000. The request cannot exceed more than 1000 records from the startRowIndex.

Request example

    "getDDATransactionsRequest": {
        "accountNumber": [
        "fromDate": "2021-06-12",
        "toDate": "2021-07-12",
        "creditOrDebitCode": "C",
        "transactionTypeCode": "1003",
        "fromAmount": "1.00",
        "toAmount": "1000.00",
        "startRowIndex": "1",
        "endRowIndex": "1"

Response example (200)

    "getDDATransactionsResponse": {
        "responseHeader": {
            "status": "S",
            "statusDescription": "Successfully returned results for the requested range 1 to 1",
            "retrievedRows": "1",
            "totalRows": "66",
            "dataLoadDate": "2022-07-05"
        "DDATransactions": [
                "accountNumber": "123456789",
                "transactionEffectiveDate": "06\/16\/2021",
                "creditOrDebitCode": "C",
                "transactionTypeCode": "1003",
                "transactionAmount": "524.78",
                "transactionKey": "C 000000000000000001",
                "transactionDescription": "DEPOSIT    BRANCH 0505 PENNSYLVANIA",
                "transactionSequenceNumber": "140",
                "currentLedgerBalancePostTransaction": "300596.77",
                "currencyCode": "USD",
                "addendaInformation": {
                    "WiresData": {
                        "creditArrangementTypeCode": "",
                        "creditArrangementBankNumber": "",
                        "creditArrangementBankBranch": "",
                        "creditArrangementCurrencyCode": "",
                        "creditInvolvedPartyIdentifier": "",
                        "creditInvolvedPartyName": "",
                        "creditArrangementCountryCode": "",
                        "creditInvolvedPartyTypeCode": "",
                        "debitArrangementTypeCode": "",
                        "debitArrangementBankNumber": "",
                        "debitArrangementBankBranch": "",
                        "debitArrangementCurrencyCode": "",
                        "debitInvolvedPartyIdentifier": "",
                        "debitInvolvedPartyName": "",
                        "transactionBusinessStatusCode": "",
                        "sendingBankReferenceNumber": "",
                        "originatingInvolvedPartyName": "TEST COMPANY 1, LLC",
                        "originatingArrangementNumber": "12345123",
                        "originatingInvolvedPartyAddressLine1": "127 Public Sq, Cleveland",
                        "originatingInvolvedPartyAddressLine2": "OH 44114",
                        "beneficiaryInvolvedPartyName": "TEST COMPANY 3, LLC",
                        "beneficiaryArrangementNumber": "3435656765",
                        "beneficiaryInvolvedPartyAddressLine1": "250 Delaware Ave Ste",
                        "beneficiaryInvolvedPartyAddressLine2": "Buffalo,NY 14202",
                        "intermediaryBankName": "KeyBank National Association",
                        "intermediaryBankABANumber": "21300077",
                        "intermediaryBICCode": "KEYBUS33 XXX",
                        "intermediaryBankAddressLine1": "250 Delaware Ave Ste",
                        "intermediaryBankAddressLine2": "Buffalo,NY 14202",
                        "originatingBankName": "KeyBank National Association",
                        "originatingBankABANumber": "",
                        "originatingBankBICcode": "",
                        "originatingBankAddressLine1": "",
                        "originatingBankAddressLine2": "",
                        "beneficiaryBankName": "KeyBank National Association",
                        "beneficiaryBankABANumber": "21300077",
                        "beneficiaryBankBICcode": "KEYBUS33 XXX",
                        "beneficiaryBankAddressLine1": "250 Delaware Ave Ste",
                        "beneficiaryBankAddressLine2": "Buffalo,NY 14202",
                        "sourceTransactionIdentifier": "",
                        "transactionSettledDate": "",
                        "federalReferenceNumber": "",
                        "incomingReferenceNumber": "",
                        "currencyExchangeRate": "",
                        "transactionExecutedDate": "",
                        "bankToBankMemo": "",
                        "transactionIdentifier": "",
                        "originatingABA": "",
                        "originating2ABA": "",
                        "originating3ABA": "",
                        "beneficiaryBankArangeNum": "",
                        "beneficiaryABA": "",
                        "originatingBankDebitBIC": "",
                        "originatingBankCreditBIC": ""
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (400)

    "ErrorMessage": "Mandatory data not provided, please verify the data and resubmit the request",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (401)

    "ErrorMessage": "Received request is unauthorized, please provide valid credentials",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (403)

    "ErrorMessage": "Access to requested resource is forbidden",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (404)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested resource is not found, please verify the resource then resubmit the request",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (405)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested method is not allowed, please verify the method and resubmit the request",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (415)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested media type is not allowed, please verify the media type and resubmit the request",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (429)

    "ErrorMessage": "Number requests threshold reached, please resubmit the request after sometime",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (500)

    "ErrorMessage": "Runtime error occurred in the service, please check with application support team before resubmitting the request",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (502)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Connectivity error occurred with the downstream service (Unexpected EOF at target), please check with application support team before resubmitting the request"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (503)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Service is currently unavailable (NoActiveTargets), please check with application support before resubmitting the request."
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (504)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Request could not be processed on time (GatewayTimeout), please wait a moment and resubmit the request."

post /ddaReports/accounts/v1/transactions/details

Retrieve the transaction details associated with a specific transaction key and account number combination.

transactionKeyrequiredarrayThe alphanumeric code used to keep the transaction activity secure. Multiple transactionKeys can be comma separated.
accountNumberrequiredarrayOne or more bank account numbers. To look up multiple accounts, separate the account numbers with a comma. This field cannot exceed 16 characters.

Request example

    "getDDATransactionsDetailsRequest": {
        "transactionKey": [
            "C 000000000000000001"
        "accountNumber": [

Response example (200)

    "getDDATransactionsDetailsResponse": {
        "responseHeader": {
            "status": "S",
            "statusDescription": "Successfully returned  1 results from sourcing layer.",
            "dataLoadDate": "2022-07-05"
        "DDATransactionsDetails": [
                "accountNumber": "123456789",
                "transactionEffectiveDate": "07\/09\/2021",
                "creditOrDebitCode": "C",
                "transactionType": "1003",
                "transactionAmount": "90.82",
                "transactionKey": "C 000000000000000001",
                "transactionDescription": "DEPOSIT    BRANCH 0505 PENNSYLVANIA",
                "transactionSequenceNumber": "140",
                "currentLedgerBalancePostTransaction": "376145.36",
                "snapshotDate": "07\/09\/2021",
                "collectedCashAmount": "90.82",
                "shortFloatAmountDay1": "0",
                "checkSerialNumber": "100014399",
                "traceID": "C 000000000000000001",
                "glSourceCode": "5",
                "operatorID": "",
                "BAICode": "301",
                "BAICodeDesc": "COMMERCIAL DEPOSIT",
                "addendaInformation": {
                    "WiresData": {
                        "creditArrangementTypeCode": "",
                        "creditArrangementBankNumber": "",
                        "creditArrangementBankBranch": "",
                        "creditArrangementCurrencyCode": "",
                        "creditInvolvedPartyIdentifier": "",
                        "creditInvolvedPartyName": "",
                        "creditArrangementCountryCode": "",
                        "creditInvolvedPartyTypeCode": "",
                        "debitArrangementTypeCode": "",
                        "debitArrangementBankNumber": "",
                        "debitArrangementBankBranch": "",
                        "debitArrangementCurrencyCode": "",
                        "debitInvolvedPartyIdentifier": "",
                        "debitInvolvedPartyName": "",
                        "transactionBusinessStatusCode": "",
                        "sendingBankReferenceNumber": "",
                        "originatingInvolvedPartyName": "TEST COMPANY 1, LLC",
                        "originatingArrangementNumber": "12345123",
                        "originatingInvolvedPartyAddressLine1": "127 Public Sq, Cleveland",
                        "originatingInvolvedPartyAddressLine2": "OH 44114",
                        "beneficiaryInvolvedPartyName": "TEST COMPANY 3, LLC",
                        "beneficiaryArrangementNumber": "3435656765",
                        "beneficiaryInvolvedPartyAddressLine1": "250 Delaware Ave Ste",
                        "beneficiaryInvolvedPartyAddressLine2": "Buffalo,NY 14202",
                        "intermediaryBankName": "KeyBank National Association",
                        "intermediaryBankABANumber": "21300077",
                        "intermediaryBICCode": "KEYBUS33 XXX",
                        "intermediaryBankAddressLine1": "250 Delaware Ave Ste",
                        "intermediaryBankAddressLine2": "Buffalo,NY 14202",
                        "originatingBankName": "KeyBank National Association",
                        "originatingBankABANumber": "",
                        "originatingBankBICcode": "",
                        "originatingBankAddressLine1": "",
                        "originatingBankAddressLine2": "",
                        "beneficiaryBankName": "KeyBank National Association",
                        "beneficiaryBankABANumber": "21300077",
                        "beneficiaryBankBICcode": "KEYBUS33 XXX",
                        "beneficiaryBankAddressLine1": "250 Delaware Ave Ste",
                        "beneficiaryBankAddressLine2": "Buffalo,NY 14202",
                        "sourceTransactionIdentifier": "",
                        "transactionSettledDate": "",
                        "federalReferenceNumber": "",
                        "incomingReferenceNumber": "",
                        "currencyExchangeRate": "",
                        "transactionExecutedDate": "",
                        "bankToBankMemo": "",
                        "transactionIdentifier": "",
                        "originatingABA": "",
                        "originating2ABA": "",
                        "originating3ABA": "",
                        "beneficiaryBankArangeNum": "",
                        "beneficiaryABA": "",
                        "originatingBankDebitBIC": "",
                        "originatingBankCreditBIC": ""
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (400)

    "ErrorMessage": "Mandatory data not provided, please verify the data and resubmit the request",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (401)

    "ErrorMessage": "Received request is unauthorized, please provide valid credentials",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (403)

    "ErrorMessage": "Access to requested resource is forbidden",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (404)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested resource is not found, please verify the resource then resubmit the request",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (405)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested method is not allowed, please verify the method and resubmit the request",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (415)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested media type is not allowed, please verify the media type and resubmit the request",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (429)

    "ErrorMessage": "Number requests threshold reached, please resubmit the request after sometime",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (500)

    "ErrorMessage": "Runtime error occurred in the service, please check with application support team before resubmitting the request",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (502)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Connectivity error occurred with the downstream service (Unexpected EOF at target), please check with application support team before resubmitting the request"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (503)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Service is currently unavailable (NoActiveTargets), please check with application support before resubmitting the request."
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (504)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Request could not be processed on time (GatewayTimeout), please wait a moment and resubmit the request."

post /ddaReports/accounts/v1/transactions/prevDay/summary

Retrieve a summary of historical, single-day account activity for one or multiple accounts. Transaction data can be recalled from the previous 24 months.

accountNumberrequiredarrayOne or more bank account numbers. To look up multiple accounts, separate the account numbers with a comma. This field cannot exceed 16 characters.
daterequiredstringDate for which the transaction summaries are to be retrieved. Transaction data can be recalled from the previous 24 months. Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Request example

    "getDDAPrevDaySummaryRequest": {
        "accountNumber": [
        "date": "2022-07-18"

Response example (200)

    "getDDAPrevDaySummaryResponse": {
        "responseHeader": {
            "status": "S",
            "statusDescription": "Successfully processed the request.",
            "dataLoadDate": "2022-05-10",
            "summaryTotal": {
                "totalClosingLedger": "42.21",
                "totalClosingAvailable": "42.21",
                "totalFloatDay1": "0.0",
                "totalFloatDay2": "0.0",
                "sumTotalCredits": "2.22",
                "sumTotalDebits": "0.02",
                "totalOpeningAvailable": "42.21"
        "DDAPrevDaySummary": [
                "accountNumber": "123456789",
                "closingLedger": "42.21",
                "closingAvailable": "42.21",
                "shortFloatAmountDay0": "0",
                "shortFloatAmountDay1": "0",
                "shortFloatAmountDay2": "0",
                "shortFloatAmountDay3": "0",
                "shortFloatAmountDay4": "0",
                "shortFloatAmountDay5": "0",
                "shortFloatAmountDay6": "0",
                "reportDate": "07\/18\/2022",
                "totalCredits": "2.22",
                "totalDebits": "0.02",
                "openingAvailable": "42.21",
                "achCredits": "0",
                "depositsAmount": "0",
                "wireTransferCredits": "0.21",
                "zbaCredits": "0",
                "otherMiscCredits": "2.01",
                "achDebits": "0",
                "checksAmount": "0",
                "returnedItemDebits": "0",
                "wireTransferDebits": "0.01",
                "zbaDebits": "0",
                "otherMiscDebits": "0.01",
                "totalAccountCredits": "2.22",
                "totalAccountDebits": "0.02",
                "achCreditCount": "0",
                "depositsCount": "0",
                "wireTransferCreditsCount": "4",
                "zbaCreditsCount": "0",
                "otherMiscCreditsCount": "3",
                "achDebitsCount": "0",
                "checksCount": "0",
                "returnedItemDebitsCount": "0",
                "wireTransferDebitsCount": "1",
                "zbaDebitsCount": "0",
                "otherMiscDebitsCount": "1",
                "totalCreditCount": "7",
                "totalDebitCount": "2"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (400)

    "ErrorMessage": "Mandatory data not provided, please verify the data and resubmit the request",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (401)

    "ErrorMessage": "Received request is unauthorized, please provide valid credentials",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (403)

    "ErrorMessage": "Access to requested resource is forbidden",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (404)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested resource is not found, please verify the resource then resubmit the request",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (405)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested method is not allowed, please verify the method and resubmit the request",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (415)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested media type is not allowed, please verify the media type and resubmit the request",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (429)

    "ErrorMessage": "Number requests threshold reached, please resubmit the request after sometime",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (500)

    "ErrorMessage": "Runtime error occurred in the service, please check with application support team before resubmitting the request",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (502)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Connectivity error occurred with the downstream service (Unexpected EOF at target), please check with application support team before resubmitting the request"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (503)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Service is currently unavailable (NoActiveTargets), please check with application support before resubmitting the request."
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError

Response example (504)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "X-CorrelationId": "929618f2-6163-bf73-51b0-6c54a8533c74",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Request could not be processed on time (GatewayTimeout), please wait a moment and resubmit the request."
accountNumberrequiredarrayOne or more bank account numbers. To look up multiple accounts, separate the account numbers with a comma. This field cannot exceed 16 characters.
fromDaterequiredstringStart date for the date range. The date must be prior to the current date. Transaction data can be recalled from the previous 24 months. Date range cannot exceed more than 90 days. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
toDaterequiredstringThe end date of a date range for the submitted transactions. Transaction data can be recalled from the previous 24 months. The date must be later than the start date (fromDate). Date range cannot exceed more than 90 days. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
creditOrDebitCodeoptionalstringCode that indicates if the transaction is a credit or a debit. To retrieve both credit and debit transactions, leave this field blank. Valid values: C (credit), D (debit)
transactionTypeCodeoptionalstringThe banking processor code for a particular transaction type. If the type is not specified in the request, all transaction types associated with the account activity are returned.
fromAmountoptionalstringThe minimum amount of a transaction. If no amount is specified, all amounts greater than $0.00 are returned.
toAmountoptionalstringThe maximum amount of a transaction. If no amount is specified, all transactions are returned.
startRowIndexoptionalstringPagination parameter that indicates the starting count available for the records. If this parameter is not provided, value will default to 1.
endRowIndexoptionalstringPagination parameter that indicates the last count available for the records. If this parameter is not provided, value will default to 1000. The request cannot exceed more than 1000 records from the startRowIndex.
statusrequiredstringIndicates whether the result was successfully retrieved.
statusDescriptionrequiredstringDescription of the status.
dataLoadDateoptionalstringIndicates the most recent date that the records are available for inquiry. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
retrievedRowsoptionalstringTotal number of transactions retrieved.
totalRowsoptionalstringTotal number of transactions matching the requested criteria.
totalClosingLedgeroptionalstringSum of all account-level closing ledger balances.
totalClosingAvailableoptionalstringSum of all account-level closing available balances.
totalFloatDay1optionalstringSum of all account-level 1 day float.
totalFloatDay2optionalstringSum of all account-level 2 day float.
sumTotalCreditsoptionalstringSum of all account-level total credits.
sumTotalDebitsoptionalstringSum of all account-level total debits.
totalOpeningAvailableoptionalstringSum of all account-level opening available balances.
creditArrangementTypeCodeoptionalstringCredit account type code
creditArrangementBankNumberoptionalstringBank number holding the credit account.
creditArrangementBankBranchoptionalstringBank branch holding the credit account.
creditArrangementCurrencyCodeoptionalstringTransaction currency code of the credit account.
creditInvolvedPartyIdentifieroptionalstringCustomer number associated with the credit account.
creditInvolvedPartyNameoptionalstringCustomer name associated with the credit account.
creditArrangementCountryCodeoptionalstringCountry of the credit account.
creditInvolvedPartyTypeCodeoptionalstringCustomer type associated with the credit account.
debitArrangementTypeCodeoptionalstringDebit account type code
debitArrangementBankNumberoptionalstringBank number holding the debit account.
debitArrangementBankBranchoptionalstringBank branch holding the debit account.
debitArrangementCurrencyCodeoptionalstringTransaction currency code of the debit account.
debitInvolvedPartyIdentifieroptionalstringCustomer number associated with the debit account.
debitInvolvedPartyNameoptionalstringCustomer name associated with the debit account.
transactionBusinessStatusCodeoptionalstringTransaction business status code
sendingBankReferenceNumberoptionalstringReference number attached to a wire, issued by the sending bank.
originatingInvolvedPartyNameoptionalstringName of the wire transaction originator.
originatingArrangementNumberoptionalstringAccount number of the wire transaction originator.
originatingInvolvedPartyAddressLine1optionalstringAddress line 1 of the wire transaction originator.
originatingInvolvedPartyAddressLine2optionalstringAddress line 2 of the wire transaction originator.
beneficiaryInvolvedPartyNameoptionalstringBeneficiary of the wire payment.
beneficiaryArrangementNumberoptionalstringAccount number of the beneficiary.
beneficiaryInvolvedPartyAddressLine1optionalstringAddress line 1 of the beneficiary.
beneficiaryInvolvedPartyAddressLine2optionalstringAddress line 2 of the beneficiary.
intermediaryBankNameoptionalstringName of the intermediary bank.
intermediaryBankABANumberoptionalstringABA number of the intermediary bank.
intermediaryBICCodeoptionalstringBIC number of the intermediary bank.
intermediaryBankAddressLine1optionalstringAddress line 1 of the intermediary bank.
intermediaryBankAddressLine2optionalstringAddress line 2 of the intermediary bank.
originatingBankNameoptionalstringName of the wire originating bank.
originatingBankABANumberoptionalstringABA number of the wire originating bank.
originatingBankBICcodeoptionalstringBIC number of the wire originating bank.
originatingBankAddressLine1optionalstringAddress line 1 of the wire originating bank.
originatingBankAddressLine2optionalstringAddress line 2 of the wire originating bank.
beneficiaryBankNameoptionalstringName of the beneficiary bank.
beneficiaryBankABANumberoptionalstringABA number of the beneficiary bank.
beneficiaryBankBICcodeoptionalstringBIC number of the beneficiary bank.
beneficiaryBankAddressLine1optionalstringAddress line 1 of the beneficiary bank.
beneficiaryBankAddressLine2optionalstringAddress line 2 of the beneficiary bank.
sourceTransactionIdentifieroptionalstringEnd-to-end ID to uniquely identify a transaction in source systems.
transactionSettledDateoptionalstringDate the transaction is settled. Format: MM-DD-YYYY
federalReferenceNumberoptionalstringFederal reference number
incomingReferenceNumberoptionalstringThe incoming reference number, which is provided by the sending bank.
currencyExchangeRateoptionalstringExchange rate
transactionExecutedDateoptionalstringDate the transaction is executed. Format: MM-DD-YYYY
bankToBankMemooptionalstringFree-form text transmitted between the banks.
transactionIdentifieroptionalstringTransaction identifier
originatingABAoptionalstringABA number of the wire originating bank.
originating2ABAoptionalstringAlternative or second ABA number of the wire originating bank.
originating3ABAoptionalstringAlternative or third ABA number of the wire originating bank.
beneficiaryBankArangeNumoptionalstringBeneficiary bank account number
beneficiaryABAoptionalstringBeneficiary ABA
originatingBankDebitBICoptionalstringOriginating bank debit BIC
originatingBankCreditBICoptionalstringOriginating bank credit BIC
accountNumberoptionalstringAccount number associated with the transaction.
transactionEffectiveDateoptionalstringEffective date of the transaction. Format: MM-DD-YYYY
creditOrDebitCodeoptionalstringCode that indicates if the transaction is a credit or a debit. Valid values: C (credit), D (debit)
transactionTypeCodeoptionalstringThe banking processor code for a particular transaction type.
transactionAmountoptionalstringTransaction amount
transactionKeyoptionalstringAn alphanumeric code used to keep the transaction activity secure.
transactionDescriptionoptionalstringBrief description of the transaction.
transactionSequenceNumberoptionalstringBatch sequence number of the transaction.
currentLedgerBalancePostTransactionoptionalstringCurrent ledger balance following the posting of this transaction.
currencyCodeoptionalstringCurrency code of the transaction. Default value: USD
statusrequiredstringIndicates whether the result was successfully retrieved.
statusDescriptionrequiredstringDescription of the status.
transactionKeyrequiredarrayThe alphanumeric code used to keep the transaction activity secure. Multiple transactionKeys can be comma separated.
accountNumberrequiredarrayOne or more bank account numbers. To look up multiple accounts, separate the account numbers with a comma. This field cannot exceed 16 characters.
statusrequiredstringIndicates whether the result was successfully retrieved.
statusDescriptionrequiredstringDescription of the status.
accountNumberoptionalstringAccount number associated with the transaction.
transactionEffectiveDateoptionalstringEffective date of the transaction. Format: MM-DD-YYYY
dataLoadDateoptionalstringIndicates the most recent date that the records are available for inquiry. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
creditOrDebitCodeoptionalstringCode that indicates if the transaction is a credit or a debit. Valid values: C (credit), D (debit)
transactionTypeoptionalstringThe banking processor code for a particular transaction type.
transactionAmountoptionalstringTransaction amount
transactionKeyoptionalstringAn alphanumeric code used to keep the transaction activity secure.
transactionDescriptionoptionalstringBrief description of the transaction.
transactionSequenceNumberoptionalstringBatch sequence number of the transaction.
currentLedgerBalancePostTransactionoptionalstringCurrent ledger balance following the posting of this transaction.
snapshotDateoptionalstringSnapshot date. Format: MM-DD-YYYY
collectedCashAmountoptionalstringCollected cash amount
shortFloatAmountDay1optionalstringDollar amount of short float for the current business day.
checkSerialNumberoptionalstringSerial number of the check.
traceIDoptionalstringSource transaction identifier
glSourceCodeoptionalstringKeyBank-assigned GL source code
operatorIDoptionalstringOperator ID - free-form text field for use by sending application.
BAICodeoptionalstringThe three-digit BAI (Bank Administration Institute) code for the transaction.
BAICodeDescoptionalstringProvides the description corresponding to a BAI code.
accountNumberoptionalstringAccount number associated with the transaction.
closingLedgeroptionalstringLedger balance in the account at the time of closure.
closingAvailableoptionalstringAmount available end of day for transactions.
shortFloatAmountDay0optionalstringDollar amount of short float day 0.
shortFloatAmountDay1optionalstringDollar amount of short float day 1.
shortFloatAmountDay2optionalstringDollar amount of short float day 2.
shortFloatAmountDay3optionalstringDollar amount of short float day 3.
shortFloatAmountDay4optionalstringDollar amount of short float day 4.
shortFloatAmountDay5optionalstringDollar amount of short float day 5.
shortFloatAmountDay6optionalstringDollar amount of short float day 6.
reportDateoptionalstringDate the transaction posted. Format: MM-DD-YYYY
totalCreditsoptionalstringTotal credit transaction amount
totalDebitsoptionalstringTotal debit transaction amount
openingAvailableoptionalstringOpening available balance
achCreditsoptionalstringACH credits amount
depositsAmountoptionalstringDeposits amount
wireTransferCreditsoptionalstringWire transfer credits amount
zbaCreditsoptionalstringZBA credits amount
otherMiscCreditsoptionalstringOther miscellaneous credits amount
achDebitsoptionalstringACH debits amount
checksAmountoptionalstringChecks amount
returnedItemDebitsoptionalstringReturned item debits amount
wireTransferDebitsoptionalstringWire transfer debits amount
zbaDebitsoptionalstringZBA debits amount
otherMiscDebitsoptionalstringOther miscellaneous debits amount
totalAccountCreditsoptionalstringTotal account credits
totalAccountDebitsoptionalstringTotal account debits
achCreditCountoptionalstringACH credits count
depositsCountoptionalstringDeposits count
wireTransferCreditsCountoptionalstringWire transfer credits count
zbaCreditsCountoptionalstringZBA credits count
otherMiscCreditsCountoptionalstringOther miscellaneous credits count
achDebitsCountoptionalstringACH debits count
checksCountoptionalstringChecks count
returnedItemDebitsCountoptionalstringReturned item debits count
wireTransferDebitsCountoptionalstringWire transfer debits count
zbaDebitsCountoptionalstringZBA debits count
otherMiscDebitsCountoptionalstringOther miscellaneous debits count
totalCreditCountoptionalstringTotal credits count
totalDebitCountoptionalstringTotal debits count
accountNumberrequiredarrayOne or more bank account numbers. To look up multiple accounts, separate the account numbers with a comma. This field cannot exceed 16 characters.
daterequiredstringDate for which the transaction summaries are to be retrieved. Transaction data can be recalled from the previous 24 months. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
statusrequiredstringIndicates whether the result was successfully retrieved.
statusDescriptionrequiredstringDescription of the status.
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfServiceErrorData connectError
ConnectErroroptionalstringAPI connectivity error information, if available.
errorCodeoptionalstringBusiness error code
errorDescriptionoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the business error.
errorCodeoptionalstringSystem error code
errorDescriptionoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the system error.

For more information about general errors, see Error handling.

API-specific KeyBank error codes and details are in the ServiceError or errorResponse object with additional information specific to the API. The KeyBank error codes start with ECA-W with a three-digit number that follows. The number increases by one digit for each error message. For example, if you have an issue with your request that generates two error messages specific to the API, the codes will be ECA-W-001 and ECA-W-002.


200 S ECA-W-001 Transaction not found.

The request was received, but there is no result for the requested criteria.

299 W ECA-W-001 Request processing completed with warnings.

This message occurs when multiple request parameters are provided, and some of the data are not available as part of response.

400 F ECA-W-001 Request Validation failed.

There is missing mandatory information like accountNumber, fromDate, or toDate. Review values for mandatory request fields.

400 F ECA-W-002 Requested records range is greater than the allowed limit - 1000

Response goes beyond 1000 transactions for the requested account. Change the request criteria to help limit returned transactions to the allowed amount.


ReleaseAPI versionChange descriptionImpact
December 20241.2.6
  • Updated dataLoadDate description. This indicates if previous day's data load has completed and is helpful for early morning inquiries.
May 20241.2.5
  • Changed the fromDate and toDate to state that the date range cannot be more than 90 days.
March 20241.2.4
  • X-CorrelationId has been removed as a request header field for all endpoints. The parameter is no longer in the request body, but still remains in the code. The system assigns a unique ID when you submit a request and returns the value in the response.
  • Updated originatingABA parameter descriptions.
December 20231.2.3
  • Deprecated the mdmId parameter. Backend services and processes have been enhanced to authenticate client API calls without the need for an MDM ID.
September 20231.2.3
  • The mdmId description has been updated to communicate that this parameter will soon deprecate in an upcoming release.
  • Modified the format of date parameters to match with KeyBank API standard date format of YYYY-MM-DD.
August 20231.2.2
  • Deprecated these unused objects:
    • ErrorTemplate
    • link
    • source
  • MDM ID (mdmId) is no longer a required parameter, it is now optional.
May 20231.2.1
  • Deprecated the following parameters from response payloads:
    • validRequest
    • noResult
    • warningFlag
    • Errors
    • Output
    • Services
  • systemFault parameter added to the errorResponse>/code> schema.
December 20221.1.0
  • Released on the Developer Portal.

Impact levels

  • LOW: This is a minor change or enhancement that does not alter the operations of the API. Upgrading to the latest specifications is preferable but not required.
  • MID: The previous API version is valid and operates, but does not contain latest enhancements. You need to update your specifications to get these enhancements.
  • HIGH: The previous API version is no longer operable. You must upgrade to the latest specifications to access and use this API product.

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