RTP Inquiry

clock 2-minute read calender 1.1.0 | updated Feb. 06, 2025

Search and query real-time payments transactions

Health checkget /rtp/v1/healthCheck
Search real time payment transactionspost /rtp/v1/transactions/list
Retrieves the real time payment transaction by its transaction IDget /rtp/v1/transactions/detail/{transactionId}

get /rtp/v1/healthCheck

Verify you can connect to the API service. A bearer token is required. 

StatusoptionalstringStatus of the health check response.
SourceoptionalstringThe origin of the system response can be 'Gateway' or 'Roundtrip'. Roundtrip returns a response from the farthest system involved.
TimestampoptionalstringThe date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) of the response from the API service.
ClientIpoptionalstringThe client IP address the gateway gets from the request.
X-Forwarded-ForoptionalstringThe sequence of all the IP addresses for systems involved between the client and the gateway.

Response example (200)

  "Status": "Ok",
  "Source": "Roundtrip",
  "Timestamp": "2022-09-15T04:49:03",
  "ClientIp": "",
  "X-Forwarded-For": "[]"

post /rtp/v1/transactions/list

Based on search criteria provided, get a list of RTP transactions. The account number and date range are required for every request.

accountNumberrequiredstringThe bank account number. This field cannot exceed 16 characters.
fromDaterequiredstringStart date for the date range. This date can be the current day or within 100 days prior to the current date. To search for a single date, this value will be the same as the toDate. To search for a range of dates, make sure the date range is within 31 days of the toDate. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
toDaterequiredstringEnd date for the date range. This date must be the same or later than the start date (fromDate). To search for a single date, this value will be the same as the fromDate. To search for a range of dates, make sure the date range does not exceed 31 days. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
minimumAmountoptionalstringThe minimum dollar amount of the transaction. This amount must be less than or equal to the maximum amount. Leave blank or enter zero for no minimum amount.
maximumAmountoptionalstringThe maximum dollar amount of the transaction. This amount must be greater than or equal to the minimum amount. Leave blank to retrieve all amounts. This amount cannot exceed one billion dollars.
requestReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the original request that is useful for traceability and reporting. The ID cannot exceed 35 characters.
pageNumberoptionalstringThe number of the page being viewed. This number must be greater than or equal to 1.
pageSizeoptionalstringThe total number of pages returned. This number must be greater than or equal to 1 and cannot exceed 1000.

Request example

  "accountNumber": "3123456789",
  "fromDate": "2024-02-01",
  "toDate": "2024-02-01",
  "minimumAmount": "100.00",
  "maximumAmount": "75020.5",
  "requestReference": "ABC-002",
  "pageNumber": "1",
  "pageSize": "500"

Search results match the criteria


Response example (200)

    "transactions": [
            "transactionId": "US99999000999999",
            "transactionStatus": "COMPLETED",
            "transactionDate": "2024-02-01",
            "transactionAmount": 32772.63,
            "requestReference": "1122334455",
            "sendersReference": "US99999000999999",
            "creditor": {
                "name": "Global Markets LLC"
            "creditorAccount": {
                "accountNumber": "987654321"
            "debtor": {
                "name": "Paul Wilson"
            "debtorAccount": {
                "accountNumber": "123456789"
    "metadata": {
        "messages": [
                "code": null,
                "message": null
        "page": {
            "pageNumber": 1,
            "pageSize": 25,
            "totalPages": 3,
            "totalRecords": 75,
            "lastPage": true
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (400)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927-c-gce-9129-15867185-4",
    "TransactionTime": "djkdf",
    "X-CorrelationId": "80457bcb-2c3b-8c55-8cd6-3520c3157e8f"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (401)

    "ErrorMessage": "Received request is unauthorized, please provide valid credentials",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (403)

    "ErrorMessage": "Access to requested resource is forbidden.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (404)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested resource is not found, please verify the resource and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (405)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested method is not allowed, please verify the method and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (415)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested media type is not allowed, please verify the media type and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (429)

    "ErrorMessage": "Number requests threshold reached, please resubmit the request after sometime.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (502)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Connectivity error occurred with the downstream service (unexpected EOF at target). Please check with application support team before resubmitting the request"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (503)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Service is currently unavailable (NoActiveTargets), please check with application support before resubmitting the request."
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (504)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Request could not be processed on time (gateway timeout). Please wait a moment and resubmit the request."

get /rtp/v1/transactions/detail/{transactionId}

Provide the transaction ID to retrieve all available fields for that single real time payment transaction.

transactionIdrequiredstringThe unique ID number associated with the original payment request.
transactionIdoptionalstringThe unique ID number associated with the original payment request.
transactionDateoptionalstringDate the transfer occurred. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
transactionAmountoptionalnumberThe dollar amount of the transaction.
requestReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the original request that is useful for traceability and reporting. The ID cannot exceed 35 characters.
sendersReferenceoptionalstringA reference value provided by the sender. For outbound payments, this value is the same as the transaction ID. The ID cannot exceed 35 characters.
remittanceInformationoptionalstringSpecific details associated with a transaction like an invoice number or customer details that provide a reason for the payment.

Response example (200)

    "transactionId": "US99999000999999",
    "transactionStatus": "COMPLETED",
    "transactionDate": "2024-02-01",
    "transactionAmount": 32772.63,
    "requestReference": "1122334455",
    "sendersReference": "US99999000999999",
    "creditor": {
        "name": "Global Markets LLC"
    "creditorAccount": {
        "accountNumber": "987654321"
    "debtor": {
        "name": "Paul Wilson"
    "debtorAccount": {
        "accountNumber": "123456789"
    "remittanceInformation": "Payment 02\/01\/2024_Invoice - 123456789 Cust"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (400)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927-c-gce-9129-15867185-4",
    "X-CorrelationId": "80457bcb-2c3b-8c55-8cd6-3520c3157e8f",
    "ServiceError": {
        "messages": [
                "code": "RTP-List-400-toDate",
                "message": "toDate format must be YYYY-MM-DD"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (401)

    "ErrorMessage": "Received request is unauthorized, please provide valid credentials",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (403)

    "ErrorMessage": "Access to requested resource is forbidden.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (404)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested resource is not found, please verify the resource and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (405)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested method is not allowed, please verify the method and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (415)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested media type is not allowed, please verify the media type and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (429)

    "ErrorMessage": "Number requests threshold reached, please resubmit the request after sometime.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (502)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Connectivity error occurred with the downstream service (unexpected EOF at target). Please check with application support team before resubmitting the request"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (503)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Service is currently unavailable (NoActiveTargets), please check with application support before resubmitting the request."
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (504)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Request could not be processed on time (gateway timeout). Please wait a moment and resubmit the request."
transactionIdoptionalstringThe unique ID number associated with the original payment request.
transactionDateoptionalstringDate the transfer occurred. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
transactionAmountoptionalnumberThe dollar amount of the transaction.
requestReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the original request that is useful for traceability and reporting. The ID cannot exceed 35 characters.
sendersReferenceoptionalstringA reference value provided by the sender. For outbound payments, this value is the same as the transaction ID. The ID cannot exceed 35 characters.
remittanceInformationoptionalstringSpecific details associated with a transaction like an invoice number or customer details that provide a reason for the payment.
transactionIdoptionalstringThe unique ID number associated with the original payment request
transactionDateoptionalstringDate the transfer occurred. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
transactionAmountoptionalnumberThe dollar amount of the transaction.
requestReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the original request that is useful for traceability and reporting. The ID cannot exceed 35 characters.
sendersReferenceoptionalstringA reference value provided by the sender. For outbound payments, this value is the same as the transaction ID. The ID cannot exceed 35 characters.
accountNumberoptionalstringAccount number of the party.
nameoptionalstringContains the customer identification number and the company name.
codeoptionalstringStatic code assigned by the network or payment system.
messageoptionalstringA human-readable message associated with the code.
pageNumberoptionalintegerThe number of the page being viewed.
pageSizeoptionalintegerThe number of records per page.
totalPagesoptionalintegerThe total number of pages available.
totalRecordsoptionalintegerThe total number of the transactions (records) available in the result set.
lastPageoptionalbooleanIndicates the last page of the total pages.
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError
ConnectErroroptionalstringAPI connectivity error information, if available.

For more information about general errors, see Error handling.

ReleaseAPI versionChange descriptionImpact
  • Added requestReference to the /list endpoint. You can now recall a RTP transaction by the requestReference ID.
November 20241.0.0
  • Published on the Developer Portal.

Impact levels

  • LOW: This is a minor change or enhancement that does not alter the operations of the API. Upgrading to the latest specifications is preferable but not required.
  • MID: The previous API version is valid and operates, but does not contain latest enhancements. You need to update your specifications to get these enhancements.
  • HIGH: The previous API version is no longer operable. You must upgrade to the latest specifications to access and use this API product.

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