Stop a check payment
Stop Payment API Endpoints
What you can do | Endpoint |
Health check | get /accounts/payments/v1/healthCheck |
Stop a payment | post /accounts/payments/v1/stop |
Before you begin
All KeyBank APIs require certificates, user credentials, and certain permissions. Check out our Getting Started Guide to learn more.
Use the Stop Payment API to stop a check payment. A successful request stops the payment and returns confirmation and payment details. You can stop a payment between the hours of 06:00 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. EST.
Health check
get /accounts/payments/v1/healthCheck
Verify you can connect to the API service. A bearer token is required.
Successful response
Statusoptional | string | Status of the health check response. |
Sourceoptional | string | Origin of the system response can be 'Gateway' or 'Roundtrip'. Roundtrip returns a response from the farthest system involved. |
Timestampoptional | string | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) of response from the API service. |
ClientIpoptional | string | Client IP address the gateway receives from the request. |
X-Forwarded-Foroptional | string | Sequence of IP addresses for systems between the client and the gateway. |
Response example (200)

{ "Status": "Ok", "Source": "Roundtrip", "Timestamp": "2022-09-15T04:49:03", "ClientIp": "", "X-Forwarded-For": "[]" }
Stop a payment
post /accounts/payments/v1/stop
Request a stop for a check payment.
AccountNumberrequired | string | Bank account number. This field cannot exceed 16 characters. |
BankNumberrequired | string | Bank number associated with the account number. Valid values: 0101, 0241, 0618, 1256, 1961, 2912, 3211, 3290, 3720, 4451, 4560, 4731 |
CheckNumberrequired | Object | checkNumber |
CheckAmountoptional | number | Amount of the check |
Descriptionoptional | string | Comments that describes stop payment reasons. This field cannot exceed 30 characters. |
Request example

{ "AccountNumber": "123456789", "BankNumber": "0101", "CheckNumber": { "CheckNumberLow": "590", "CheckNumberHigh": "591" }, "CheckAmount": 1.52, "Description": "Test Stop_SB_08130116" }
Successful response
Statusrequired | string | Status of the processed request. Valid values: Success, Failure |
StatusCoderequired | string | Status code of the processed request. |
Severityrequired | string | Severity level of the processed request. Valid values: Info, Error |
StatusDescrequired | string | Status description of the processed request. |
TransactionIdrequired | string | Unique ID that gets assigned for the processed request. |
X-CorrelationIdrequired | string | A unique identifier generated for each transaction that remains with the transaction through the chain of API operations. |
TransactionTimerequired | string | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the transaction processed. |
Response example (200)

{ "Status": "Success", "StatusCode": "000", "Severity": "Info", "StatusDesc": "stopPaymentAdd operation executed successfully - stopPaymentAdd_20190205024213818", "TransactionId": "000000057307_590_1.52", "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab", "TransactionTime": "2021-06-30T18:55:10.337Z" }
Missing mandatory information
Statusrequired | string | Status of the processed request. Valid values: Success, Failure |
StatusCoderequired | string | Status code of the processed request. |
Severityrequired | string | Severity level of the processed request. Valid values: Info, Error |
StatusDescrequired | string | Status description of the processed request. |
TransactionIdrequired | string | Unique ID that gets assigned for the processed request. |
X-CorrelationIdrequired | string | A unique identifier generated for each transaction that remains with the transaction through the chain of API operations. |
TransactionTimerequired | string | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the transaction processed. |
ServiceErroroptional | oneOf | serviceErrorData connectError |
Response example (400)

{ "Status": "Failure", "StatusCode": "400", "Severity": "Error", "StatusDesc": "Mandatory data not provided, please verify the data and resubmit the request", "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1", "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab", "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z" }
Unauthorized request
Statusrequired | string | Status of the processed request. Valid values: Success, Failure |
StatusCoderequired | string | Status code of the processed request. |
Severityrequired | string | Severity level of the processed request. Valid values: Info, Error |
StatusDescrequired | string | Status description of the processed request. |
TransactionIdrequired | string | Unique ID that gets assigned for the processed request. |
X-CorrelationIdrequired | string | A unique identifier generated for each transaction that remains with the transaction through the chain of API operations. |
TransactionTimerequired | string | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the transaction processed. |
ServiceErroroptional | oneOf | serviceErrorData connectError |
Response example (401)

{ "Status": "Failure", "StatusCode": "401", "Severity": "Error", "StatusDesc": "Received request is unauthorized, please provide valid credentials", "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1", "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab", "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z" }
Failure response from downstream
Statusrequired | string | Status of the processed request. Valid values: Success, Failure |
StatusCoderequired | string | Status code of the processed request. |
Severityrequired | string | Severity level of the processed request. Valid values: Info, Error |
StatusDescrequired | string | Status description of the processed request. |
TransactionIdrequired | string | Unique ID that gets assigned for the processed request. |
X-CorrelationIdrequired | string | A unique identifier generated for each transaction that remains with the transaction through the chain of API operations. |
TransactionTimerequired | string | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the transaction processed. |
ServiceErroroptional | oneOf | serviceErrorData connectError |
Response example (402)

{ "Status": "Failure", "StatusCode": "402", "Severity": "Error", "StatusDesc": "Failed to add stop payment on account; STAR failed - stopPaymentAdd_20220513015308610", "TransactionId": "000000057307_590_591", "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab", "TransactionTime": "2022-05-13T05:53:08.702Z", "ServiceError": { "SEStatusCode": "402", "SESeverity": "Error", "SEStatusDesc": "Failed to add stop payment on account; STAR failed - stopPaymentAdd_20220513015308610", "AdditionalStatus": { "ASStatusCode": "202", "ASSeverity": "Error", "ASStatusDesc": "CHECK(S) ALREADY STOPPED", "SubjectElement": { "Path": "STAR" } } } }
Forbidden request access
Statusrequired | string | Status of the processed request. Valid values: Success, Failure |
StatusCoderequired | string | Status code of the processed request. |
Severityrequired | string | Severity level of the processed request. Valid values: Info, Error |
StatusDescrequired | string | Status description of the processed request. |
TransactionIdrequired | string | Unique ID that gets assigned for the processed request. |
X-CorrelationIdrequired | string | A unique identifier generated for each transaction that remains with the transaction through the chain of API operations. |
TransactionTimerequired | string | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the transaction processed. |
ServiceErroroptional | oneOf | serviceErrorData connectError |
Response example (403)

{ "Status": "Failure", "StatusCode": "403", "Severity": "Error", "StatusDesc": "Access Denied for client ip", "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1", "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab", "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z" }
Resource not found
Statusrequired | string | Status of the processed request. Valid values: Success, Failure |
StatusCoderequired | string | Status code of the processed request. |
Severityrequired | string | Severity level of the processed request. Valid values: Info, Error |
StatusDescrequired | string | Status description of the processed request. |
TransactionIdrequired | string | Unique ID that gets assigned for the processed request. |
X-CorrelationIdrequired | string | A unique identifier generated for each transaction that remains with the transaction through the chain of API operations. |
TransactionTimerequired | string | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the transaction processed. |
ServiceErroroptional | oneOf | serviceErrorData connectError |
Response example (404)

{ "Status": "Failure", "StatusCode": "404", "Severity": "Error", "StatusDesc": "Requested resource is not found, please verify the resource and resubmit the request", "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1", "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab", "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z" }
Invalid request method
Statusrequired | string | Status of the processed request. Valid values: Success, Failure |
StatusCoderequired | string | Status code of the processed request. |
Severityrequired | string | Severity level of the processed request. Valid values: Info, Error |
StatusDescrequired | string | Status description of the processed request. |
TransactionIdrequired | string | Unique ID that gets assigned for the processed request. |
X-CorrelationIdrequired | string | A unique identifier generated for each transaction that remains with the transaction through the chain of API operations. |
TransactionTimerequired | string | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the transaction processed. |
ServiceErroroptional | oneOf | serviceErrorData connectError |
Response example (405)

{ "Status": "Failure", "StatusCode": "405", "Severity": "Error", "StatusDesc": "Requested method is not allowed, please verify the method and resubmit the request", "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1", "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab", "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z" }
Invalid request type
Statusrequired | string | Status of the processed request. Valid values: Success, Failure |
StatusCoderequired | string | Status code of the processed request. |
Severityrequired | string | Severity level of the processed request. Valid values: Info, Error |
StatusDescrequired | string | Status description of the processed request. |
TransactionIdrequired | string | Unique ID that gets assigned for the processed request. |
X-CorrelationIdrequired | string | A unique identifier generated for each transaction that remains with the transaction through the chain of API operations. |
TransactionTimerequired | string | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the transaction processed. |
ServiceErroroptional | oneOf | serviceErrorData connectError |
Response example (415)

{ "Status": "Failure", "StatusCode": "415", "Severity": "Error", "StatusDesc": "Requested media type is not allowed, please verify the media type and resubmit the request", "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1", "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab", "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z" }
Request timeout
Statusrequired | string | Status of the processed request. Valid values: Success, Failure |
StatusCoderequired | string | Status code of the processed request. |
Severityrequired | string | Severity level of the processed request. Valid values: Info, Error |
StatusDescrequired | string | Status description of the processed request. |
TransactionIdrequired | string | Unique ID that gets assigned for the processed request. |
X-CorrelationIdrequired | string | A unique identifier generated for each transaction that remains with the transaction through the chain of API operations. |
TransactionTimerequired | string | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the transaction processed. |
ServiceErroroptional | oneOf | serviceErrorData connectError |
Response example (429)

{ "Status": "Failure", "StatusCode": "429", "Severity": "Error", "StatusDesc": "Looks like you've sent too many requests. Please wait a moment and try again later.", "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1", "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab", "TransactionTime": "2022-05-17T04:39:32.449Z" }
Unknown error
Statusrequired | string | Status of the processed request. Valid values: Success, Failure |
StatusCoderequired | string | Status code of the processed request. |
Severityrequired | string | Severity level of the processed request. Valid values: Info, Error |
StatusDescrequired | string | Status description of the processed request. |
TransactionIdrequired | string | Unique ID that gets assigned for the processed request. |
X-CorrelationIdrequired | string | A unique identifier generated for each transaction that remains with the transaction through the chain of API operations. |
TransactionTimerequired | string | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the transaction processed. |
ServiceErroroptional | oneOf | serviceErrorData connectError |
Response example (500)

{ "Status": "Failure", "StatusCode": "500", "Severity": "Error", "StatusDesc": "Runtime error occurred in the service, please check with application support team before resubmitting the request", "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1", "X-CorrelationId": "3288b87c-d4e7-639a-88d0-9cdfede8941e", "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z", "ServiceError": { "connectError": "Runtime error occurred in the service, please check with application support team before resubmitting the request" } }
Bad gateway
Statusrequired | string | Status of the processed request. Valid values: Success, Failure |
StatusCoderequired | string | Status code of the processed request. |
Severityrequired | string | Severity level of the processed request. Valid values: Info, Error |
StatusDescrequired | string | Status description of the processed request. |
TransactionIdrequired | string | Unique ID that gets assigned for the processed request. |
X-CorrelationIdrequired | string | A unique identifier generated for each transaction that remains with the transaction through the chain of API operations. |
TransactionTimerequired | string | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the transaction processed. |
ServiceErroroptional | oneOf | serviceErrorData connectError |
Response example (502)

{ "Status": "Failure", "StatusCode": "502", "Severity": "Error", "StatusDesc": "Error received from backend", "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1", "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab", "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z", "ServiceError": { "connectError": "Connectivity error occurred with the downstream service (Unexpected EOF at target), please check with application support team before resubmitting the request" } }
Unavailable service
Statusrequired | string | Status of the processed request. Valid values: Success, Failure |
StatusCoderequired | string | Status code of the processed request. |
Severityrequired | string | Severity level of the processed request. Valid values: Info, Error |
StatusDescrequired | string | Status description of the processed request. |
TransactionIdrequired | string | Unique ID that gets assigned for the processed request. |
X-CorrelationIdrequired | string | A unique identifier generated for each transaction that remains with the transaction through the chain of API operations. |
TransactionTimerequired | string | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the transaction processed. |
ServiceErroroptional | oneOf | serviceErrorData connectError |
Response example (502)

{ "Status": "Failure", "StatusCode": "502", "Severity": "Error", "StatusDesc": "Error received from backend", "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1", "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab", "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z", "ServiceError": { "connectError": "Connectivity error occurred with the downstream service (Unexpected EOF at target), please check with application support team before resubmitting the request" } }
Unable to process request
Statusrequired | string | Status of the processed request. Valid values: Success, Failure |
StatusCoderequired | string | Status code of the processed request. |
Severityrequired | string | Severity level of the processed request. Valid values: Info, Error |
StatusDescrequired | string | Status description of the processed request. |
TransactionIdrequired | string | Unique ID that gets assigned for the processed request. |
X-CorrelationIdrequired | string | A unique identifier generated for each transaction that remains with the transaction through the chain of API operations. |
TransactionTimerequired | string | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the transaction processed. |
ServiceErroroptional | oneOf | serviceErrorData connectError |
Response example (504)

{ "Status": "Failure", "StatusCode": "504", "Severity": "Error", "StatusDesc": "Error received from backend", "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1", "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab", "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z", "ServiceError": { "connectError": "Request could not be processed on time (GatewayTimeout), please wait a moment and resubmit the request." } }
ASStatusCoderequired | string | Additional status code of the processed request. For 402 errors, this field contains the unique error code returned from the Stop Payment downstream service. |
ASSeverityrequired | string | Additional status severity of the processed request. |
ASStatusDescrequired | string | Additional status description of the processed request. For 402 errors, this field contains the unique error description returned from the Stop Payment downstream service. |
SubjectElementrequired | Object | errorData |
CheckNumberLowrequired | string | To stop a single check, use this field to specify that check number. To stop a range of checks, use this field to specify the first check number of the range. |
CheckNumberHighoptional | string | To stop a range of checks, use this field to specify the last check number in the range. This field is unnecessary when stopping a single check. |
connectErroroptional | string | API connectivity error information, if available. |
Pathrequired | string | Troubleshooting field that contains the operational path that failed. |
Statusrequired | string | Status of the processed request. Valid values: Success, Failure |
StatusCoderequired | string | Status code of the processed request. |
Severityrequired | string | Severity level of the processed request. Valid values: Info, Error |
StatusDescrequired | string | Status description of the processed request. |
TransactionIdrequired | string | Unique ID that gets assigned for the processed request. |
X-CorrelationIdrequired | string | A unique identifier generated for each transaction that remains with the transaction through the chain of API operations. |
TransactionTimerequired | string | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the transaction processed. |
ServiceErroroptional | oneOf | serviceErrorData connectError |
Statusoptional | string | Status of the health check response. |
Sourceoptional | string | Origin of the system response can be 'Gateway' or 'Roundtrip'. Roundtrip returns a response from the farthest system involved. |
Timestampoptional | string | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) of response from the API service. |
ClientIpoptional | string | Client IP address the gateway receives from the request. |
X-Forwarded-Foroptional | string | Sequence of IP addresses for systems between the client and the gateway. |
AccountNumberrequired | string | Bank account number. This field cannot exceed 16 characters. |
BankNumberrequired | string | Bank number associated with the account number. Valid values: 0101, 0242, 0618, 1256, 1961, 2912, 3211, 3290, 3720, 4451, 4560, 4731 |
CheckNumberrequired | Object | checkNumber |
CheckAmountoptional | number | Amount of the check |
Descriptionoptional | string | Comments that describes stop payment reasons. This field cannot exceed 30 characters. |
Statusrequired | string | Status of the processed request. Valid values: Success, Failure |
StatusCoderequired | string | Status code of the processed request. |
Severityrequired | string | Severity level of the processed request. Valid values: Info, Error |
StatusDescrequired | string | Status description of the processed request. |
TransactionIdrequired | string | Unique ID that gets assigned for the processed request. |
X-CorrelationIdrequired | string | A unique identifier generated for each transaction that remains with the transaction through the chain of API operations. |
TransactionTimerequired | string | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the transaction processed. |
SEStatusCoderequired | string | Service error status code of the processed request. |
SESeverityrequired | string | Service error severity of the processed request. |
SEStatusDescrequired | string | Service error status description of the processed request. |
AdditionalStatusrequired | Object | additionalStatusData |
For more information about general errors, see Error handling.
Note: The Stop Payment API is unavailable between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. EST. If a request to stop payment is submitted within this timeframe you will receive an error.
There may be additional error information in the exception
schema. API-specific KeyBank error codes and details are in the serviceErrorData
. object for additional information specific to the API request.
402 | 202 |
A stop payment has already been placed on that check and or account. |
402 | 201 |
Check has already posted to the account. |
402 | 203 |
The payment was already stopped. |
402 | 208 |
There is an invalid value for the |
503 | 209 |
The Stop Payment API is unavailable between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 06:00 a.m. EST. Please retry your request outside of this time window. |
Release | API version | Change description | Impact |
August 2024 | 1.0.4 |
| MID |
December 2022 | 1.0.0 |
Impact levels
- LOW: This is a minor change or enhancement that does not alter the operations of the API. Upgrading to the latest specifications is preferable but not required.
- MID: The previous API version is valid and operates, but does not contain latest enhancements. You need to update your specifications to get these enhancements.
- HIGH: The previous API version is no longer operable. You must upgrade to the latest specifications to access and use this API product.
YAML file