RTP Send Payment

clock 5-minute read calender 1.2.5 | updated Jan. 29, 2025

Make a payment immediately and at any time

What you can doEndpoint
Health checkget /rtp/v1/payment/healthCheck
Get a list of RTP participantsget /rtp/v1/payment/rtp/participant
Get information about one RTP participantget /rtp/v1/payment/rtp/participant/{routingNumber}
Get the status with the transaction IDget /rtp/v1/payment/status/transactionId/{transactionId}
Get the status with the request reference numberget /rtp/v1/payment/status/debitAccount/{debitAccount}/reference/{reference}
Send a real-time paymentpost /rtp/v1/payment/initiate
Perform validation checkspost /rtp/v1/payment/validate

Before you begin

All KeyBank APIs require certificates, user credentials, and certain permissions. Check out our Getting Started Guide to learn more.


Two in one

At KeyBank, the RTP and wire payment APIs are a single API product with two service capabilities. You need specific permissions to access either the RTP Send Payment API or the Wire Transfer API.

You can initiate a real-time payment, check on its status, and get information about participating parties.

RTP stands for Real-Time Payment. It is a modern payment system that enables immediate and real-time fund transfers between financial institution or individuals. RTP transactions use the clearing house’s RTP network, which operates 24/7, allowing for instant payment settlement. RTP payments are often used for person-to person transfers, bill payments, and business-to-business transactions.

The main difference between RTP payments and wire transfers is in their speed and settlement process. RTP payments are designed for real-time transfers, providing immediate availability of funds, while wire transfers may take longer to process and settle.

If you initiate a payment or validate a payment, you are working with the party object. This is a reusable object that has details about the person or entity sending a payment and the one receiving the payment. The party object reflects the payment chain of events. Use the request fields to direct the payment transaction from one account to another.

1The individual or organization sends the payment.Enter the debit account number of the individual or organization in debitParty.
2The financial institution of the debit account holder transfers the funds.We assume this is KeyBank. Enter the ABA or routing number for the financial institution in debitPartyBank.
3The financial institution that services the recipient’s account receives the funds.Enter the US ABA number for the financial institution in creditPartyBank.
4The beneficiary party receives the funds.Enter the account number of the beneficiary in creditParty.

When entering data, make sure the values are valid. ISO messages only support the following characters:

  • Alphabet characters, uppercase (A-Z) and lowercase (a-z)
  • Numeric characters (0-9)
  • Special characters limited to .,-()?+'=:?@-#{!"%&*;<>
  • Single space, carriage return, and line feed

If you use a character that isn't supported, an error message returns. Review the entered values to make sure you did not use a restricted character (like the pipe delimiter).

API requirements

KeyClientId:When you initiate or validate a payment, you are required to provide the KeyClientId in the request header. The KeyClientId is a 32-character string provided by KeyBank during the onboarding process. This field is not the same as your client credentials (part of your API keys needed to obtain an access token).

get /rtp/v1/payment/healthCheck

Verify you can connect to the API service. A bearer token is required.

StatusoptionalstringThe status of the health check response.
SourceoptionalstringThe system that produces the health response. The origin of the response can be 'Gateway' or 'Roundtrip.' Roundtrip returns a response from the farthest system involved.
TimestampoptionalstringThe date (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) of response from the API service.
ClientIpoptionalstringThe client IP address the gateway receives from the request.
X-Forwarded-ForoptionalstringThe sequence of the IP addresses for systems between the client and the gateway. Addresses are separated by a comma.

Response example (200)

   "Status": "Ok",
   "Source": "Roundtrip",
   "Timestamp": "2022-09-16T02:36:20",
   "ClientIp": "",
   "X-Forwarded-For": "[]"

get /rtp/v1/payment/rtp/participant

Retrieve a list of active, online RTP banks. Use the limit and offset fields to control how many records to return and what records to skip.

With GET methods, use a cURL command to generate your request. Select Copy code for easy copy and paste into your command line. Modify the required fields with your information.

limitrequiredintegerPagination parameter that indicates the maximum number of records to return in the response.
offsetrequiredintegerPagination parameter that indicates the number of records skipped before generating the output.
KeyClientIdrequiredstringThis value is provided by KeyBank during onboarding and is different from your client credentials. This is required for each call for RTP or Wire transactions.

Request example

curl --location: 'https://partner-api.keybank.com/rtp/v1/payment/rtp/participant?limit=15&offset=0'
--header 'KeyClientId: testwUhSQADUD4DwYyZz2hZkwLqsoFGK'
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'Bearer testZcKJDWnwDWmmf9qah6PJvPy8'
countrequiredstringThe count of records that match the initial query.
limitrequiredintegerThe maximum number of records returned in the response.
offsetrequiredintegerThe number of records skipped before the response is returned.

Response example (200)

    "count": "65",
    "limit": 10,
    "offset": 0,
    "parties": {
        "name": "CITIZENS BANK, NA",
        "accountNumber": "102258001",
        "aba": "100001995",
        "bic": "CITZUSL2XXX",
        "txid": "fa1354bkg3153kj13b4h34",
        "foreignBankSystemId": {
            "type": "USABA"
        "postalAddress": {
            "adrLine": [
                "BENEFICIARY ADDRESS LINE 1",
                "BENEFICIARY ADDRESS LINE 2"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (400)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "US21052400000000",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "status": "FAILED",
        "transactionId": "rrt-770941720727587-2383364-1",
        "requestReference": "RR-220818-01",
        "sendersReference": "SR-220818-01",
        "valueDate": 1683676800,
        "error": {
            "code": "KEY-1006",
            "title": "Required field missing",
            "description": "The object creditPartyBank is required in the request."
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (401)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927-c-gce-9129-15867185-4",
    "X-CorrelationId": "80457bcb-2c3b-8c55-8cd6-3520c3157e8f",
    "TransactionTime": "2022-04-04T11:41:13.754Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "status": "ERROR",
        "transactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927",
        "requestReference": "REQUEST-REF-220314.1",
        "sendersReference": "SENDER-REF-220314.1",
        "valueDate": "06-10-2023",
        "error": {
            "code": "KEY-0006",
            "title": "Not authorized for requested service",
            "description": "Check your credentials."
        "doddFrank": "NO"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (403)

    "ErrorMessage": "Access to requested resource is forbidden.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (404)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested resource is not found, please verify the resource and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (405)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested method is not allowed, please verify the method and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (415)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested media type is not allowed, please verify the media type and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (429)

    "ErrorMessage": "Number requests threshold reached, please resubmit the request after sometime.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (500)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "TransactionId": "359681587523_SR-RMC-210729-11081",
    "X-CorrelationId": "7ad7fdfb-2ade-a3ab-b97c-523dc5312688",
    "TransactionTime": "2022-04-05T07:59:15.422Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "status": "ERROR",
        "transactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927",
        "requestReference": "RR-RMC-210720-0123458981",
        "sendersReference": "SR-RMC-210729-11081",
        "valueDate": "06-10-2023",
        "error": {
            "code": "KEY-9999",
            "title": "Unknown error",
            "description": "Payment Initiation ServiceException: AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE Unable to logon with the supplied credentials.",
            "detail": {
                "code": "KEY-9999",
                "title": "Unknown error",
                "description": "Additional information about error code."
        "doddFrank": "NO"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (502)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Connectivity error occurred with the downstream service (unexpected EOF at target). Please check with application support team before resubmitting the request"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (503)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Service is currently unavailable (NoActiveTargets), please check with application support before resubmitting the request."
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (504)

    "ErrorMessage": "Your request took too long to process. Please try again.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Request could not be processed on time (gateway timeout). Please wait a moment and resubmit the request."

get /rtp/v1/payment/rtp/participant/{routingNumber}

This call returns information about a single RTP participant. Use the routing number of the financial institution to search for the RTP participant.

With GET methods, use a cURL command to generate your request. Select Copy code for easy copy and paste into your command line. Modify the required fields with your information.

routingNumberrequiredstringRouting number of the participating RTP bank.
KeyClientIdrequiredstringThis value is provided by KeyBank during onboarding and is different from your client credentials. This is required for each call for RTP or Wire transactions.

Request example

curl --location: 'https://partner-api.keybank.com/rtp/v1/payment/rtp/participant/12345678
--header 'KeyClientId: testwUhSQADUD4DwYyZz2hZkwLqsoFGK'
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer testZcKJDWnwDWmmf9qah6PJvPy8'
namerequiredstringName of the party. This can be an individual, a financial institution, or a beneficiary. The name cannot exceed 140 characters.
accountNumberoptionalstringAccount number of the party.
abaoptionalstringIf the party is a financial institution, this is the ABA number or routing number. This cannot exceed 9 numbers.
bicoptionalstringThe bank identifier code (BIC) for the party. This is a combination code that identifies the bank, country, location, and possibly the bank branch.
txidoptionalstringThe tax identification number for the party.
adrTpoptionalstringAddress type for the party that specifies if it is a home, business, or mailing address. Valid values: ADDR, PBOX, HOME, BIZZ, MLTO, DLVY
deptoptionalstringDepartment of the party for the mailing address, if applicable. This field cannot exceed 70 characters.
subDeptoptionalstringSub-department of the party, if applicable. This field cannot exceed 70 characters.
strtNmoptionalstringStreet address for the party. This field cannot exceed 70 characters.
bldgNboptionalstringBuilding number. This field cannot exceed 16 characters.
pstCdoptionalstringThe postal code or zip code for the address. This field cannot exceed 16 characters.
twnNmoptionalstringName of the town. This field cannot exceed 35 characters.
ctrySubDvsnoptionalstringName of subdivision of a country like a state, region, or county. This field cannot exceed 35 characters.
ctryoptionalstringCountry name or abbreviation.
adrLineoptionalarrayAn unstructured address line. You can have up to three lines of text that each cannot exceed 70 characters.

Response example (200)

    "name": "KeyBank National Association",
    "accountNumber": "8756654",
    "aba": "125200879",
    "bic": "KEYUSL2XXX",
    "txid": "fa125da513hj135j42b5",
    "foreignBankSystemId": {
        "type": "USABA"
    "postalAddress": {
        "adrLine": [
            "123 Keybank Street",
            "Cleveland, OH"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (400)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "US21052400000000",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "status": "FAILED",
        "transactionId": "rrt-770941720727587-2383364-1",
        "requestReference": "RR-220818-01",
        "sendersReference": "SR-220818-01",
        "valueDate": 1683676800,
        "error": {
            "code": "KEY-1006",
            "title": "Required field missing",
            "description": "The object creditPartyBank is required in the request."
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (401)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927-c-gce-9129-15867185-4",
    "X-CorrelationId": "80457bcb-2c3b-8c55-8cd6-3520c3157e8f",
    "TransactionTime": "2022-04-04T11:41:13.754Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "status": "ERROR",
        "transactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927",
        "requestReference": "REQUEST-REF-220314.1",
        "sendersReference": "SENDER-REF-220314.1",
        "valueDate": "06-10-2023",
        "error": {
            "code": "KEY-0006",
            "title": "Not authorized for requested service",
            "description": "Check your credentials."
        "doddFrank": "NO"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (403)

    "ErrorMessage": "Access to requested resource is forbidden.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (404)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested resource is not found, please verify the resource and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (405)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested method is not allowed, please verify the method and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (415)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested media type is not allowed, please verify the media type and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (429)

    "ErrorMessage": "Number requests threshold reached, please resubmit the request after sometime.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (500)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service",
    "TransactionId": "359681587523_SR-RMC-210729-11081",
    "X-CorrelationId": "7ad7fdfb-2ade-a3ab-b97c-523dc5312688",
    "TransactionTime": "2022-04-05T07:59:15.422Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "status": "ERROR",
        "transactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927",
        "requestReference": "REQUEST-REF-220314.1",
        "sendersReference": "SENDER-REF-220314.1",
        "valueDate": "06-10-2023",
        "error": {
            "code": "KEY-9999",
            "title": "Unknown error",
            "description": "Payment Initiation ServiceException: AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE Unable to logon with the supplied credentials."
        "doddFrank": "NO"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (502)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Connectivity error occurred with the downstream service (unexpected EOF at target). Please check with application support team before resubmitting the request"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (503)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Service is currently unavailable (NoActiveTargets), please check with application support before resubmitting the request."
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (504)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Request could not be processed on time (gateway timeout). Please wait a moment and resubmit the request."

get /rtp/v1/payment/status/transactionId/{transactionId}

Get the status of a RTP transaction or a wire transfer.

With GET methods, use a cURL command to generate your request. Select Copy code for easy copy and paste into your command line. Modify the required fields with your information.

transactionIdrequiredstringThe clearing system reference number (the US transaction number).
KeyClientIdrequiredstringThis value is provided by KeyBank during onboarding and is different from your client credentials. This is required for each call for RTP or Wire transactions.

Request example

curl --location: 'https://partner-api.keybank.com/rtp/v1/payment/status/transactionId/test123321'
--header 'KeyClientId: testwUhSQADUD4DwYyZz2hZkwLqsoFGK'
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer testZcKJDWnwDWmmf9qah6PJvPy8'
transactionIdoptionalstringThe unique ID number associated with the original payment request.
requestReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the original request that is useful for traceability and reporting. The ID cannot exceed 35 characters.
sendersReferenceoptionalstringA reference value provided by the sender. For outbound payments, this value is the same as the transaction ID. The ID cannot exceed 32 characters.
receiversReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the beneficiary. This value cannot exceed 140 characters.
debitAccountNumberoptionalstringDebit account number. This cannot exceed 34 digits.
creditAccountNumberoptionalstringCredit account number. This cannot exceed 34 digits.
valueDateoptionalstringThe date (YYYY-MM-DD) the transfer occurred.
transferAmountoptionalintegerAmount of money to transfer in the correct currency format.
transferCurrencyoptionalstringCurrency code for the transfer amount.
clearingSystemReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the beneficiary. This value cannot exceed 140 characters.

Response example (200)

    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "transactionId": "US21052400000000",
    "requestReference": "RR-KEY-999999-01",
    "sendersReference": "SR-KEY-999999-01",
    "receiversReference": "INVC0054321",
    "debitAccountNumber": "12345",
    "creditAccountNumber": "987654321",
    "valueDate": "2023-05-08",
    "transferAmount": 10,
    "transferCurrency": "USD",
    "doddFrank": "NO"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (400)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "US21052400000000",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "status": "FAILED",
        "transactionId": "rrt-770941720727587-2383364-1",
        "requestReference": "RR-220818-01",
        "sendersReference": "SR-220818-01",
        "valueDate": 1683676800,
        "error": {
            "code": "KEY-1006",
            "title": "Required field missing",
            "description": "The object creditPartyBank is required in the request."
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (401)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927-c-gce-9129-15867185-4",
    "X-CorrelationId": "80457bcb-2c3b-8c55-8cd6-3520c3157e8f",
    "TransactionTime": "2022-04-04T11:41:13.754Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "status": "ERROR",
        "transactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927",
        "requestReference": "REQUEST-REF-220314.1",
        "sendersReference": "SENDER-REF-220314.1",
        "valueDate": "06-10-2023",
        "error": {
            "code": "KEY-0006",
            "title": "Not authorized for requested service",
            "description": "Check your credentials."
        "doddFrank": "NO"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (403)

    "ErrorMessage": "Access to requested resource is forbidden.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (404)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested resource is not found, please verify the resource and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (405)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested method is not allowed, please verify the method and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (415)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested media type is not allowed, please verify the media type and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (429)

    "ErrorMessage": "Number requests threshold reached, please resubmit the request after sometime.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (500)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "TransactionId": "359681587523_SR-RMC-210729-11081",
    "X-CorrelationId": "7ad7fdfb-2ade-a3ab-b97c-523dc5312688",
    "TransactionTime": "2022-04-05T07:59:15.422Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "status": "ERROR",
        "transactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927",
        "requestReference": "REQUEST-REF-220314.1",
        "sendersReference": "SENDER-REF-220314.1",
        "valueDate": "06-10-2023",
        "error": {
            "code": "KEY-9999",
            "title": "Unknown error",
            "description": "Payment Initiation ServiceException: AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE Unable to logon with the supplied credentials."
        "doddFrank": "NO"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (502)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Connectivity error occurred with the downstream service (unexpected EOF at target). Please check with application support team before resubmitting the request"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (503)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Service is currently unavailable (NoActiveTargets), please check with application support before resubmitting the request."
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (504)

    "ErrorMessage": "Your request took too long to process. Please try again.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Request could not be processed on time (gateway timeout). Please wait a moment and resubmit the request."

get /rtp/v1/payment/status/debitAccount/{debitAccount}/reference/{reference}

Get the status of a payment with the debit account number of the payment originator and the request reference number. This call is typically used for troubleshooting an issue with timing or a technical error with a payment transaction. You can assign a request reference number when you initiate or validate a payment. This number is metadata for backend traceability and is not sent with the payment. Use this number with the debit account number for the originating payment. The account number and request reference number must be unique; you cannot use the same request reference number for different transactions.

With GET methods, use a cURL command to generate your request. Select Copy code for easy copy and paste into your command line. Modify the required fields with your information.

debitAccountrequiredstringThe debit account number of the originator.
referencerequiredstringThe clearing system reference number (the US transaction number).
KeyClientIdrequiredstringThis value is provided by KeyBank during onboarding and is different from your client credentials. This is required for each call for RTP or Wire transactions.

Request example

curl --location: 'https://partner-api.keybank.com/rtp/v1/payment/status/debitAccount/12345/reference/RR-KEY-999999-01'
--header 'KeyClientId: testwUhSQADUD4DwYyZz2hZkwLqsoFGK'
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer testZcKJDWnwDWmmf9qah6PJvPy8'
transactionIdoptionalstringThe unique ID number associated with the original payment request.
requestReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the original request that is useful for traceability and reporting. The ID cannot exceed 35 characters.
sendersReferenceoptionalstringA reference value provided by the sender. For outbound payments, this value is the same as the transaction ID. The ID cannot exceed 32 characters.
receiversReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the beneficiary. This value cannot exceed 140 characters.
debitAccountNumberoptionalstringDebit account number. This cannot exceed 34 digits.
creditAccountNumberoptionalstringCredit account number. This cannot exceed 34 digits.
valueDateoptionalstringThe date (YYYY-MM-DD) the transfer occurred.
transferAmountoptionalintegerAmount of money to transfer in the correct currency format.
transferCurrencyoptionalstringCurrency code for the transfer amount.
clearingSystemReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the beneficiary. This value cannot exceed 140 characters.

Response example (200)

    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "transactionId": "US21052400000000",
    "requestReference": "RR-KEY-999999-01",
    "sendersReference": "SR-KEY-999999-01",
    "receiversReference": "INVC0054321",
    "debitAccountNumber": "12345",
    "creditAccountNumber": "987654321",
    "valueDate": "2023-05-08",
    "transferAmount": 10,
    "transferCurrency": "USD",
    "doddFrank": "NO"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (400)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "US21052400000000",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "status": "FAILED",
        "transactionId": "rrt-770941720727587-2383364-1",
        "requestReference": "RR-220818-01",
        "sendersReference": "SR-220818-01",
        "valueDate": 1683676800,
        "error": {
            "code": "KEY-1006",
            "title": "Required field missing",
            "description": "The object creditPartyBank is required in the request."
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (401)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927-c-gce-9129-15867185-4",
    "X-CorrelationId": "80457bcb-2c3b-8c55-8cd6-3520c3157e8f",
    "TransactionTime": "2022-04-04T11:41:13.754Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "status": "ERROR",
        "transactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927",
        "requestReference": "REQUEST-REF-220314.1",
        "sendersReference": "SENDER-REF-220314.1",
        "valueDate": "06-10-2023",
        "error": {
            "code": "KEY-0006",
            "title": "Not authorized for requested service",
            "description": "Check your credentials."
        "doddFrank": "NO"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (403)

    "ErrorMessage": "Access to requested resource is forbidden.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (404)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested resource is not found, please verify the resource and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (405)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested method is not allowed, please verify the method and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (415)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested media type is not allowed, please verify the media type and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (429)

    "ErrorMessage": "Number requests threshold reached, please resubmit the request after sometime.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (500)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service",
    "TransactionId": "359681587523_SR-RMC-210729-11081",
    "X-CorrelationId": "7ad7fdfb-2ade-a3ab-b97c-523dc5312688",
    "TransactionTime": "2022-04-05T07:59:15.422Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "status": "ERROR",
        "transactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927",
        "requestReference": "REQUEST-REF-220314.1",
        "sendersReference": "SENDER-REF-220314.1",
        "valueDate": "06-10-2023",
        "error": {
            "code": "KEY-9999",
            "title": "Unknown error",
            "description": "Payment Initiation ServiceException: AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE Unable to logon with the supplied credentials."
        "doddFrank": "NO"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (502)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Connectivity error occurred with the downstream service (unexpected EOF at target). Please check with application support team before resubmitting the request"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (503)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Service is currently unavailable (NoActiveTargets), please check with application support before resubmitting the request."
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (504)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Request could not be processed on time (gateway timeout). Please wait a moment and resubmit the request."

post /rtp/v1/payment/initiate

Initiate a RTP payment. Use the requestedService parameter to define the transaction as RTP or Wire. With the party object, you can define the receiver as an individual, corporation, or financial institution in the payment chain.

KeyClientIdrequiredstringThis value is provided by KeyBank during onboarding and is different from your client credentials. This is required for each call for RTP or Wire transactions.
requestedServicerequiredstringThe type of payment transaction. The transaction request is valid only for the API products with granted access. Valid values: RTP, WIRE
requestReferencerequiredstringA reference value for the original request that is useful for traceability and reporting. The ID cannot exceed 32 characters.
typerequiredstringFor RTP, the type can show if the transaction is a PAYMENT or a DRAFT. For Wire transfers, the type is always DRAFT.
requestedValueDaterequiredstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) the transfer will occur.
originatorReferenceoptionalstringAn additional reference value that is meaningful to the party originating the payment.
sendersReferencerequiredstringA reference value provided by the sender. For outbound payments, this value is the same as the transaction ID. The ID cannot exceed 35 characters.
receiversReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the beneficiary. This value cannot exceed 140 characters.
bankToBankInstructionsoptionalstringArea to share messages or instructions from one bank to another bank. This cannot exceed 140 characters.
transferAmountrequirednumberAmount of money to transfer in the correct currency format.
transferCurrencyrequiredstringCurrency code for the transfer amount.
externalTemplateNameoptionalstringName of the external template. Text cannot exceed 2048 characters.
customDataoptionalstringThe values for custom data is defined by the client. This free-form text field can contain up to 500 alphanumeric characters. Custom information stays with the transaction through its lifecycle.

Request example

    "requestedService": "RTP",
    "requestReference": "AZX01234567891011",
    "type": "PAYMENT",
    "sendersReference": "INVC0012345",
    "receiversReference": "INVC0054321",
    "requestedValueDate": 1621814400,
    "debitParty": {
        "name": "CLARK GABLE",
        "accountNumber": "001122334455"
    "creditPartyBank": {
        "name": "CLARK GABLE",
        "aba": "123456789"
    "creditParty": {
        "name": "CLARK GABLE",
        "accountNumber": "987654321",
        "postalAddress": {
            "adrTp": "HOME",
            "dept": "Test Dept",
            "subDept": "Test Sub Dept",
            "strtNm": "123 Main Street",
            "bldgNb": 10,
            "pstCd": 12345,
            "twnNm": "Central Town",
            "ctrySubDvsn": "Test Sub Division",
            "ctry": "US",
            "adrLine": [
                "123 Main Street",
                "Central Town, US"
    "transferAmount": 10,
    "transferCurrency": "USD"
transactionIdoptionalstringThe unique ID number associated with the original payment request.
requestReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the original request that is useful for traceability and reporting. The ID cannot exceed 35 characters.
sendersReferenceoptionalstringA reference value provided by the sender. For outbound payments, this value is the same as the transaction ID. The ID cannot exceed 32 characters.
receiversReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the beneficiary. This value cannot exceed 140 characters.
debitAccountNumberoptionalstringDebit account number. This cannot exceed 34 digits.
creditAccountNumberoptionalstringCredit account number. This cannot exceed 34 digits.
valueDateoptionalstringThe date (YYYY-MM-DD) the transfer occurred.
transferAmountoptionalintegerAmount of money to transfer in the correct currency format.
transferCurrencyoptionalstringCurrency code for the transfer amount.
clearingSystemReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the beneficiary. This value cannot exceed 140 characters.

Response example (200)

    "status": "IN_PROCESS",
    "transactionId": "US23050800214592",
    "requestReference": "AZX01234567891011",
    "sendersReference": "INVC0012345",
    "receiversReference": "INVC0054321",
    "debitAccountNumber": "001122334455",
    "creditAccountNumber": "987654321",
    "valueDate": "2023-05-08",
    "transferAmount": 10,
    "transferCurrency": "USD"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (400)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "US21052400000000",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "status": "FAILED",
        "transactionId": "rrt-770941720727587-2383364-1",
        "requestReference": "RR-220818-01",
        "sendersReference": "SR-220818-01",
        "valueDate": 1683676800,
        "error": {
            "code": "KEY-1006",
            "title": "Required field missing",
            "description": "The object creditPartyBank is required in the request."
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (401)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927-c-gce-9129-15867185-4",
    "X-CorrelationId": "80457bcb-2c3b-8c55-8cd6-3520c3157e8f",
    "TransactionTime": "2022-04-04T11:41:13.754Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "status": "ERROR",
        "transactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927",
        "requestReference": "REQUEST-REF-220314.1",
        "sendersReference": "SENDER-REF-220314.1",
        "valueDate": "06-10-2023",
        "error": {
            "code": "KEY-0006",
            "title": "Not authorized for requested service",
            "description": "Check your credentials."
        "doddFrank": "NO"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (403)

    "ErrorMessage": "Access to requested resource is forbidden.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (404)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested resource is not found, please verify the resource and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (405)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested method is not allowed, please verify the method and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (415)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested media type is not allowed, please verify the media type and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (429)

    "ErrorMessage": "Number requests threshold reached, please resubmit the request after sometime.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (500)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "TransactionId": "359681587523_SR-RMC-210729-11081",
    "X-CorrelationId": "7ad7fdfb-2ade-a3ab-b97c-523dc5312688",
    "TransactionTime": "2022-04-05T07:59:15.422Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "status": "ERROR",
        "transactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927",
        "requestReference": "RR-RMC-210720-0123458981",
        "sendersReference": "SR-RMC-210729-11081",
        "valueDate": "06-10-2023",
        "error": {
            "code": "KEY-9999",
            "title": "Unknown error",
            "description": "Payment Initiation ServiceException: AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE Unable to logon with the supplied credentials."
        "doddFrank": "NO"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (502)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Connectivity error occurred with the downstream service (unexpected EOF at target). Please check with application support team before resubmitting the request"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (503)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Service is currently unavailable (NoActiveTargets), please check with application support before resubmitting the request."
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (504)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Request could not be processed on time (gateway timeout). Please wait a moment and resubmit the request."

post /rtp/v1/payment/validate

This call performs all the validation checks needed to initiate a payment without creating a payment.

KeyClientIdrequiredstringThis value is provided by KeyBank during onboarding and is different from your client credentials. This is required for each call for RTP or Wire transactions.
requestedServicerequiredstringThe type of payment transaction. The transaction request is valid only for the API products with granted access. Valid values: RTP, WIRE
requestReferencerequiredstringA reference value for the original request that is useful for traceability and reporting. The ID cannot exceed 32 characters.
typerequiredstringFor RTP, the type can show if the transaction is a PAYMENT or a DRAFT. For Wire transfers, the type is always DRAFT.
requestedValueDaterequiredstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) the transfer will occur.
originatorReferenceoptionalstringAn additional reference value that is meaningful to the party originating the payment.
sendersReferencerequiredstringA reference value provided by the sender. For outbound payments, this value is the same as the transaction ID. The ID cannot exceed 35 characters.
receiversReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the beneficiary. This value cannot exceed 140 characters.
bankToBankInstructionsoptionalstringArea to share messages or instructions from one bank to another bank. This cannot exceed 140 characters.
transferAmountrequirednumberAmount of money to transfer in the correct currency format.
transferCurrencyrequiredstringCurrency code for the transfer amount.
externalTemplateNameoptionalstringName of the external template. Text cannot exceed 2048 characters.
customDataoptionalstringThe values for custom data is defined by the client. This free-form text field can contain up to 500 alphanumeric characters. Custom information stays with the transaction through its lifecycle.

Request example

    "requestedService": "RTP",
    "requestReference": "AZX01234567891011",
    "type": "PAYMENT",
    "requestedValueDate": 1621814400,
    "originatorReference": "",
    "sendersReference": "INVC0012345",
    "receiversReference": "INVC0054321",
    "ultimateDebitParty": {
        "name": "CLARK GABLE"
    "debitParty": {
        "name": "CLARK GABLE",
        "accountNumber": "001122334455"
    "creditPartyBank": {
        "name": "CLARK GABLE",
        "aba": "123456789"
    "creditParty": {
        "name": "CLARK GABLE",
        "accountNumber": "987654321",
        "postalAddress": {
            "adrTp": "HOME",
            "dept": "Test Dept",
            "subDept": "Test Sub Dept",
            "strtNm": "123 Main Street",
            "bldgNb": 10,
            "pstCd": 12345,
            "twnNm": "Central Town",
            "ctrySubDvsn": "Test Sub Division",
            "ctry": "US"
    "transferAmount": 10,
    "transferCurrency": "USD",
    "customData": ""
transactionIdoptionalstringThe unique ID number associated with the original payment request.
requestReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the original request that is useful for traceability and reporting. The ID cannot exceed 35 characters.
sendersReferenceoptionalstringA reference value provided by the sender. For outbound payments, this value is the same as the transaction ID. The ID cannot exceed 32 characters.
receiversReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the beneficiary. This value cannot exceed 140 characters.
debitAccountNumberoptionalstringDebit account number. This cannot exceed 34 digits.
creditAccountNumberoptionalstringCredit account number. This cannot exceed 34 digits.
valueDateoptionalstringThe date (YYYY-MM-DD) the transfer occurred.
transferAmountoptionalintegerAmount of money to transfer in the correct currency format.
transferCurrencyoptionalstringCurrency code for the transfer amount.
clearingSystemReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the beneficiary. This value cannot exceed 140 characters.

Response example (200)

    "status": "VALID",
    "transactionId": "XZ23050714000000",
    "requestReference": "testWBB25889710252",
    "sendersReference": "INVC0012345",
    "receiversReference": "INVC0054321",
    "debitAccountNumber": "12345",
    "creditAccountNumber": "987654321",
    "transferAmount": 10,
    "transferCurrency": "USD"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (400)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "US21052400000000",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "status": "FAILED",
        "transactionId": "rrt-770941720727587-2383364-1",
        "requestReference": "RR-220818-01",
        "sendersReference": "SR-220818-01",
        "valueDate": 1683676800,
        "error": {
            "code": "KEY-1006",
            "title": "Required field missing",
            "description": "The object creditPartyBank is required in the request."
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (401)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927-c-gce-9129-15867185-4",
    "X-CorrelationId": "80457bcb-2c3b-8c55-8cd6-3520c3157e8f",
    "TransactionTime": "2022-04-04T11:41:13.754Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "status": "ERROR",
        "transactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927",
        "requestReference": "REQUEST-REF-220314.1",
        "sendersReference": "SENDER-REF-220314.1",
        "valueDate": "06-10-2023",
        "error": {
            "code": "KEY-0006",
            "title": "Not authorized for requested service",
            "description": "Check your credentials."
        "doddFrank": "NO"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (403)

    "ErrorMessage": "Access to requested resource is forbidden.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (404)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested resource is not found, please verify the resource and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (405)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested method is not allowed, please verify the method and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (415)

    "ErrorMessage": "Requested media type is not allowed, please verify the media type and resubmit the request.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (429)

    "ErrorMessage": "Number requests threshold reached, please resubmit the request after sometime.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (500)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "TransactionId": "359681587523_SR-RMC-210729-11081",
    "X-CorrelationId": "7ad7fdfb-2ade-a3ab-b97c-523dc5312688",
    "TransactionTime": "2022-04-05T07:59:15.422Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "status": "ERROR",
        "transactionId": "rrt-621075741872460927",
        "requestReference": "REQUEST-REF-220314.1",
        "sendersReference": "SENDER-REF-220314.1",
        "valueDate": "06-10-2023",
        "error": {
            "code": "KEY-9999",
            "title": "Unknown error",
            "description": "Payment Initiation ServiceException: AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE Unable to logon with the supplied credentials.",
            "detail": {
                "code": "KEY-1005",
                "title": "Error",
                "description": "Additional information about error code."
        "doddFrank": "NO"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (502)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Connectivity error occurred with the downstream service (unexpected EOF at target). Please check with application support team before resubmitting the request"
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (503)

    "ErrorMessage": "Error received from backend service.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Service is currently unavailable (NoActiveTargets), please check with application support before resubmitting the request."
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError

Response example (504)

    "ErrorMessage": "Your request took too long to process. Please try again.",
    "X-CorrelationId": "2ebd5c24-0e8d-5a70-0e91-ffd2727c1aab",
    "TransactionId": "rrt-7709400285867417207-b-gce-27587-2383364-1",
    "TransactionTime": "2021-06-11T16:31:34.041Z",
    "ServiceError": {
        "ConnectError": "Request could not be processed on time (gateway timeout). Please wait a moment and resubmit the request."
ErrorMessageoptionalstringA human-readable message that describes the type or source of the error.
TransactionIdoptionalstringA unique transaction ID returned with the response, useful for traceability.
TransactionTimeoptionalstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) and time (HH:MM:SS) the error occurred.
ServiceErroroptionaloneOfserviceErrorData connectError
transactionIdoptionalstringThe unique ID number associated with the original payment request.
requestReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the original request that is useful for traceability and reporting. The ID cannot exceed 35 characters.
sendersReferenceoptionalstringA reference value provided by the sender. For outbound payments, this value is the same as the transaction ID. The ID cannot exceed 35 characters.
receiversReferenceoptionalstringThe sender reference value from the original request. This is useful for traceability and reporting.
debitAccountNumberoptionalstringThe sender reference value from the original request. This is useful for traceability and reporting.
creditAccountNumberoptionalstringThe sender reference value from the original request. This is useful for traceability and reporting.
valueDateoptionalstringThe date (YYYY-MM-DD) the transferred occurred.
ConnectErroroptionalstringAPI connectivity error information, if available.
requestedServicerequiredstringThe type of payment transaction. The transaction request is valid only for the API products with granted access. Valid values: RTP, WIRE
requestReferencerequiredstringA reference value for the original request that is useful for traceability and reporting. The ID cannot exceed 32 characters.
typerequiredstringFor RTP, the type can show if the transaction is a PAYMENT or a DRAFT. For Wire transfers, the type is always DRAFT.
requestedValueDaterequiredstringDate (YYYY-MM-DD) the transfer will occur.
originatorReferenceoptionalstringAn additional reference value that is meaningful to the party originating the payment.
sendersReferencerequiredstringA reference value provided by the sender. For outbound payments, this value is the same as the transaction ID. The ID cannot exceed 35 characters.
receiversReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the beneficiary. This value cannot exceed 140 characters.
bankToBankInstructionsoptionalstringArea to share messages or instructions from one bank to another bank. This cannot exceed 140 characters.
transferAmountrequirednumberAmount of money to transfer in the correct currency format.
transferCurrencyrequiredstringCurrency code for the transfer amount.
externalTemplateNameoptionalstringName of the external template. Text cannot exceed 2048 characters.
customDataoptionalstringThe values for custom data is defined by the client. This free-form text field can contain up to 500 alphanumeric characters. Custom information stays with the transaction through its lifecycle.
countrequiredstringThe count of records that match the initial query.
limitrequiredintegerThe maximum number of records returned in the response.
offsetrequiredintegerThe number of records skipped before the response is returned.
typeoptionalstringThe five-digit global routing code for a foreign financial institution.
idoptionalstringThe identification number associated with the foreign financial institution.
transactionIdoptionalstringThe unique ID number associated with the original payment request.
requestReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the original request that is useful for traceability and reporting. The ID cannot exceed 35 characters.
sendersReferenceoptionalstringA reference value provided by the sender. For outbound payments, this value is the same as the transaction ID. The ID cannot exceed 32 characters.
receiversReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the beneficiary. This value cannot exceed 140 characters.
debitAccountNumberoptionalstringDebit account number. This cannot exceed 34 digits.
creditAccountNumberoptionalstringCredit account number. This cannot exceed 34 digits.
valueDateoptionalstringThe date (YYYY-MM-DD) the transfer occurred.
transferAmountoptionalintegerAmount of money to transfer in the correct currency format.
transferCurrencyoptionalstringCurrency code for the transfer amount.
clearingSystemReferenceoptionalstringA reference value for the beneficiary. This value cannot exceed 140 characters.
paymentStatusoptionalstringThe status of the payment transaction. Valid values: IN_PROCESS, IN_REVIEW, COMPLETED, FAILED, RETURNED, ERROR, VALID
coderequiredstringStatus code assigned to each error type.
titlerequiredstringBrief title about the error associated with the status code.
descriptionoptionalstringDescription of the error.
codeoptionalstringA static code assigned by the network or payment system.
titleoptionalstringBrief title about the error associated with the status code.
descriptionoptionalstringDescription of the error
noYesTypeoptionalstringThis field indicates whether the transaction qualifies for Dodd-Frank.
namerequiredstringName of the party. This can be an individual, a financial institution, or a beneficiary. The name cannot exceed 140 characters.
accountNumberoptionalstringAccount number of the party.
abaoptionalstringIf the party is a financial institution, this is the ABA number or routing number. This cannot exceed 9 numbers.
bicoptionalstringThe bank identifier code (BIC) for the party. This is a combination code that identifies the bank, country, location, and possibly the bank branch.
txidoptionalstringThe tax identification number for the party.
adrTpoptionalstringAddress type for the party that specifies if it is a home, business, or mailing address. Valid values: ADDR, PBOX, HOME, BIZZ, MLTO, DLVY
deptoptionalstringDepartment of the party for the mailing address, if applicable. This field cannot exceed 70 characters.
subDeptoptionalstringSub-department of the party, if applicable. This field cannot exceed 70 characters.
strtNmoptionalstringStreet address for the party. This field cannot exceed 70 characters.
bldgNboptionalstringBuilding number. This field cannot exceed 16 characters.
pstCdoptionalstringThe postal code or zip code for the address. This field cannot exceed 16 characters.
twnNmoptionalstringName of the town. This field cannot exceed 35 characters.
ctrySubDvsnoptionalstringName of subdivision of a country like a state, region, or county. This field cannot exceed 35 characters.
ctryoptionalstringCountry name or abbreviation.
adrLineoptionalarrayAn unstructured address line. You can have up to three lines of text that each cannot exceed 70 characters.
nameoptionalstringTypically this is the name of the party that instructed the debit party to initiate a payment. This applies only to RTP transactions and the value cannot exceed 140 characters.

When an error occurs, the paymentTransactionResponse object returns with the paymentStatus of ERROR or FAILED. Certain violations report with an HTTP 200 response for issues where the API service successfully receives the request, but it encounters errors. KeyBank may include additional information about the error in API-specific error messages.

For more information about errors, see Error handling.

API-specific KeyBank error codes and details are in the error object of the response payload. Issues signify a failed payment that could have been caused by account restrictions, network timeout, or invalid data in the request.

KEY-0001Not authorized
KEY-0002Not authorized for requested action
KEY-0003Request exceeds authorized limit
KEY-0004Unauthorized for account
KEY-0005Internal use only fields
KEY-0006Not authorized for requested service
KEY-1000Transformation Error
KEY-1001Invalid Data
KEY-1002Invalid Bank Identifier
KEY-1003Invalid or unknown template
KEY-1004Invalid account
KEY-1005Invalid Currency
KEY-1006Required field missing
KEY-1007Transaction Not Found
KEY-1008Insufficient Funds
KEY-1009Account has restrictions
KEY-1010Duplicate Request
KEY-1011Payor Account Restrictions
KEY-1012Payee Account Restrictions
KEY-3001Exceeds transaction limit for RTP transactions
KEY-3002Field not usable for RTP transactions
KEY-3003Payment network timeout. Please retry.
KEY-3004Payment rejected by payment network
KEY-9997Failed payment review
KEY-9998Payment failed during processing
KEY-9999Unknown error


API-specific error example

      "status": "FAILED", 
      "requestReference": "RR-999999-01", 
      "sendersReference": "SR-999999-01", 
      "error": { 
          "code": "KEY-1002", 
          "title": "Invalid Bank Identifier", 
          "description": "Credit Party Bank must be a valid USRTP Participant" 
ReleaseAPI versionChange descriptionImpact
December 20241.2.5
  • Enhanced the requirements and responses for party addresses.
  • has been replaced by the postalAddress object.
    • Added the following fields to postalAddress nested in the party object: adrTp, dept, subDept, strtNm, bldgNb, pstCd, twnNm, ctrySubDvsn, ctry.
    • For requests, you are required to complete the postalAddress fields for both the debitParty and creditParty.
    • Address information returns in the response if available. 
  • Foreign payments are possible for RTP transactions. You can use the foreignBankSystemID to specify the type (five-digit routing code) and the id (ID number).
August 20241.2.4
  • Added clarification to type parameter. For RTP the type can be PAYMENT or DRAFT. For wire transfers, the type will always be DRAFT.
May 20241.2.3
  • KeyClientId is required for all endpoints, including GET calls.
March 20241.2.1
  • Added 'IN_REVIEW' as a valid value for status in the paymentStatus object.
  • Added new parameters to paymentTransactionRequestV1:
    • bankToBankInstructions
    • debitPartyInstructions
    • intermediaryBank1
    • intermediaryBank2
    • intermediaryBank3
    • externalTemplateName
  • Added the clearingSystemReference in the paymentTransactionResponse object.
  • Added the following parameter to serviceErrorData:
    • receiversReference
    • debitAccountNumber
    • creditAccountNumber
  • Changed min/max limits for the following parameters:
    • requestReference and sendersReference changed from maxLength 35 to 32 with a minLength of 1.
    • Added parameter limits for originatorReference with a minLength of 1 and a maxLength of 35.
    • Added parameter limit for transferAmount with a maximum of 18 digits (which is like quintillion).
    • Added parameter limit for accountNumber in the party to a minLength of 1.
    • Added parameter limit for aba to a maxLength of 9 digits.
    • Added parameter limit for debitAccountNumber to a maxLength 34 characters.
September 20231.1.5
  • Parameter description updates. This change is for technical content only. The code and operations of the API remain the same.
  •  Clarified the transactionId for RTP payments is the clearing system reference number.
December 20221.1.3
  • Released on the Developer Portal.

Impact levels

  • LOW: This is a minor change or enhancement that does not alter the operations of the API. Upgrading to the latest specifications is preferable but not required.
  • MID: The previous API version is valid and operates, but does not contain latest enhancements. You need to update your specifications to get these enhancements.
  • HIGH: The previous API version is no longer operable. You must upgrade to the latest specifications to access and use this API product.

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