Release notes

clock 11-minute read calender Rel. 4.2 | updated Jan. 29, 2025

Summary notes about past and current changes to our portal

The developer portal release notes are organized by the month and year of the release, starting with the most current. We also identify the affected APIs and the level of impact for the changes made. This is a quick cue to know if you need to make any necessary changes immediately or if you can integrate the API enhancements at your own pace.

We categorize changes as either breaking or non-breaking.

  • Breaking changes require upgrading to a new version of the API framework. These changes can cause incompatibility and possibly disrupt your connection to API services. Some examples of breaking changes are a change to the type of a parameter, removing request fields, or developing an existing object with additional parameters.
  • Non-breaking changes are changes that do not require you to upgrade to a new version or disrupt your connection to current API services. Some examples of a non-breaking change are to add an optional parameter field like a custom data field or removing a deprecating parameter no longer valid or in use.

Levels of impact

Impact levelDescription
  • Non-breaking changes
  • Small change requests to improve content like to better define a term or provide an example for added clarity.
  • May include breaking changes like adding or removing an API parameter.
  • Code or configuration enhancement to an API in Production.
  • Breaking changes and/or a hot fix.
  • New product being released.

Developer Portal Release 4.2

  • Only supporting content was modified for this release. No APIs were modified or affected by the content improvements.
  • In Webhooks, the timing for the retry mechanism has changed. Originally it was set to retry and send alerts up to 12 times in a 24-hour period. The timing has been reduced to 3 alerts in a 24-hour period. 
  • RTP Send Payment and Wire Transfer APIs have a note about what special characters are allowed with ISO messages. 
Affected APIImpact

Developer Portal Release 4.0.1

  • Deprecated the amount and serialNumber parameters from Account Validation.
  • Modified the party object in the Send RTP Payment and Wire Transfer APIs with a more detailed postalAddress. If using the postal address in your search, each field will be required to have at least a minimum of 1 character.
  • Improved clarity about the dataLoadDate description in Previous Day
  • On the Data Values page, reorganized the webhook alerts for Wire and RTP statuses into payment process categories - In Process, In Review, Failed, Canceled, Completed.

Developer Portal Release 4.0.0

  • New API on the Developer Portal! Check out the RTP Inquiry API to search for a list or details about RTP transactions.
  • Read about our simulated environment with the API Simulator User Guide. Go to this page to download our simulator specifications.
  • Each API document page now has a changelog that acts as a revision history for the API specifications. 
  • Webhooks onboarding and subscription process has been modified to reduce onboarding time. Look at the latest requirements and subscription tips. 
Affected APIImpact
Check Image RetrievalLOW

Developer Portal Release 3.1.2

  • Improved Account Validation User Guide to be more direct in the steps to make a request and assess a response.
  • In the Account Validation API, updated the parameters:
    • The amount in the request can only be a whole number. No cents. Make sense?
    • Updated the request field parameters to better clarify the valid and acceptable values and conditions.
  • Updated the ACH APIs User Guide for the undo a transaction section. You can attempt to reverse a payment using ACH Direct.
  • For ACH Origination API, the companyEntryDescription is now a required field each SEC payment call.
  • For ACH Inquiry, transaction data can be recalled within 180 days of the current date.
  • Added DFID  to the Glossary and enhanced parameter definitions for terms related to DFID in the ACH Origination API.

Developer Portal Release 3.1.1

  • Account signup and waitlist are currently on hold. When our portal is ready for user account management and an integrated sandbox environment, we will introduce account sign up and login. If you are interested in using an Embedded Banking API product, please go to the EB Payments Advisor Contact Form.
  • For ACH Origination API, changed the effective date range for ACH payments from 90 days to 31 days.
  • Enhanced error message in Webhook specifications. Retry mechanism is only triggered by HTTP 500 type error messages. Individual issue resolution is required for HTTP 400 type error messages. This is a content only change.
  • Added Terms of Services for the KeyBank API Developer Portal. This link is accessible on each page's footer. 
Affected APIImpact
ACH OriginationLOW

Developer Portal Release 3.1.0

  • Introduction of the Account Validation API v2. Includes enhancements to the Account Validation API User Guide that includes information about version 2 of the API with greater clarity about significant parameters that can help improve your validation process.
  • Webhooks ACH alerts have been simplified. Alert codes AL00902, AL00903, AL00904, AL00905 have been consolidated into a single and new code AL00906.
  • To help clarify the alert codes for Wire and RTP webhook alerts, we added an extended status table to the Data Values page that includes intermittent statuses.
  • Change the name of the Wire Origination API to its more common name, Wire Transfer.
  • In the RTP Send Payment API, added clarification to the type field that for RTP the type can be PAYMENT or DRAFT and for wire transfers, the type will always be DRAFT. 
  • Minor modifications to our Stop Payment API technical content. 

Developer Portal Release 2.5.0

  • X-CorrelationId has been removed as a request header field for all endpoints in each API product. The parameter is no longer in the request body, but still remains in the code. The system assigns a unique ID when you submit a request and returns the X-CorrelationId value in the response.
  • Changed the effectiveDate range for ACH payments from 90 days to 31 days.
  • In the ACH Inquiry API, added two new endpoints. These endpoints will eventually replace the other status queries in the upcoming v2 of the API.
    • /accounts/transactions/v1/ach/details/{parNumber}
    • /accounts/transaction/v1/ach/list
  • In the Wire Origination API and the RTP Send Payment API, the KeyClientId is required for all requests.
  • Added new parameters to the Wire Inquiry API.
  • KeyVAM introduction on the dev portal home page and an summary guide on KeyVAM with links to learn more.
  • Date range for Previous Day calls cannot be more than 90 days.
  • Minor modifications to our Check Image API technical content. 
  • API Simulator product is now available for ACH API products endpoints (ACH Origination and ACH Inquiry). Speak to your Payments Advisor to learn more.

Developer Portal Release 2.4.0

  • Introducing the Account Validation User Guide, a helpful resource to get more familiar with our Account Validation API product.
  • Release notes are now available on the portal.
  • Added Wire/RTP alerts to the Data Values page.
  • Remove X-Point parameter from ACH Origination request headers.
  • Minor modifications to our Intraday API technical content. 
  • Two updates to the Webhooks for the Wire and RTP alert notifications,:
    • Added dbTranCurrencyCode and dbAngTypeCode to the alert body.
    • Added the requestReferenceNumber to the alert body. If the requestReference field has a value, it will be included in the alert.
Affected APIImpact
ACH OriginationLOW

Developer Portal Release 2.3.0

  • Added new fields the RTP Send Payment and Wire Origination APIs.  Some fields had conditions (like format or character limits) modified for requests. Go to the API document to view specific changes about the fields added, which additional fields are now marked as required, setting minimum and maximum limits, and adding value pattern information. 
  • Intraday addenda report for collected ACH transactions has been updated to match the ACH Memo Post.
  • Removed format restrictions for the channelCode field in the Wire Inquiry API.
  • Minor modifications to our Previous Day API technical content. 
  • Getting Started User Guide talks about the onboarding process and how to access our API products. 
  • Improved the layout of the API reference pages to simplify information and help you get you to stuff you really want to know. 
  • Expand our Resources section to talk about Custom Data, Pagination, and Error Handling.
  • User feedback is now available on the dev portal! 
  • Glossary banner is looking cool with a search bar and navigational directory.

Developer Portal Release 2.2.0

  • Launched our new landing page and have divided our documentation into three sections: Guides, API Reference, and Resources. 
    • The Guides section includes our first user guide: ACH APIs User Guide
    • The new Resources section contains descriptions and details of data values found within our APIs.
    • We now have a glossary of common terms. 
  • The mdmId has officially deprecated. This affects ACH Inquiry, Wire Inquiry, Previous Day, and Intraday.
  • New fields added to the Wire Inquiry API
  • In the ACH Inquiry API, the "POSTED" status has been removed from ACH status inquiry endpoint.
  • Minor modifications to our Webhooks technical content. 
  • Other updates include custom data clarifications, updated API error messaging, and improved navigation. These changes affect technical content only. The code and operations of the APIs remain the same. 
Affected APIImpact
Wire InquiryHIGH
Previous DayHIGH

Developer Portal Release 2.1.0

Developer Portal Release 2.0.1

  • New API on the Developer Portal! We introduce our Webhooks specifications for ACH, Wire, and RTP transactions.
  • In ACH Inquiry, you can recall transaction activity up to 24 months in the past.
  • Our API consumers can now utilize the Wire and RTP transaction amounts for reconciliation and other business purposes when making an inquiry with the Intraday Information Reporting API. Each addenda object now includes a the transactionAmount field.
  • Deprecated unused objects in Previous Day API.
Affected APIImpact
ACH Inquiry LOW
Previous DayLOW

Developer Portal Release 2.0.0

  • New API on the Developer Portal! We introduce the Wire Origination API. This API transfers and processes large payments swiftly and securely.
  • We’ve set a 5 TPS throttling threshold for all our APIs. If you think you might exceed this threshold, please reach out to your KeyBank representative to talk about adjusting it.
  • MDM ID (mdmId) is no longer a required parameter for ACH Inquiry, Wire Inquiry, Previous Day, and Intraday Reporting. It’s now optional.
  • Added new parameters to Wire Inquiry.

Developer Portal Release 1.2.3

Hot fix for the ACH Origination API to require companyEntryDescription for each of the SEC payment endpoints. This field returns in the ACH status response payload.

Developer Portal Release 1.2.0

  • New API on the Developer Portal! We introduce the Account Validation API. This API validates a payee’s account to ensure a safe and secure transaction before authorizing payment.
  • Added customData to the ACH Inquiry API. With custom data, you can enter up to 500 alphanumeric characters to create a custom message or data set to associate with the item.
  • Modified date parameters in Wire Inquiry
  • Deprecated unused parameters from the Previous Day and Intraday APIs.

Developer Portal Release 1.1.0

Hello world! The KeyBank API Developer Portal is live!