Release notes

clock 3-minute read calender 3.1.0 | updated Aug. 07, 2024

KeyBank will post release notes to this page for every minor and major portal release. Release notes summarize breaking and non-breaking changes made to the API product and/or the API developer portal. 

The developer portal release notes are organized by month and year of the release, starting with the most current. Each release also identifies the level of impact for the changes made. This is a quick cue to know if you need to make any necessary changes immediately or if you can integrate the API enhancements at your own pace.



  • Introduction of the Account Validation API v2
  • Enhancements to the Account Validation API User Guide that includes information about version 2 of the API with greater clarity about significant parameters that can help improve your validation process.
  • ACH Inquiry API has retired the following endpoints:
    • /accounts/transactions/v1/ACHStatusInquiry/list
    • /accounts/transaction/v1/collectedACHtransactions/list
    • /accounts/transactions/v1/postedACHtransactions/list
    • /accounts/transactions/v1/returnACHtransactions/list
  • Webhooks ACH alert code consolidated to a single value AL00906.
  • Data values now has the full list of all Wire/RTP webhook statuses including intermittent statuses and account validation ID types.
  • Sign up has been postponed for the time being as we develop our authenticated portal. If you are interested in using an Embedded Banking API product, please go to the EB Payments Advisor Contact Form.


  • X-CorrelationId has been removed as a request header field for all endpoints in each API product. The parameter is no longer in the request body, but still remains in the code. The system assigns a unique ID when you submit a request and returns the X-CorrelationId value in the response.
  • In the ACH Inquiry API, added two new endpoints. These endpoints will eventually replace the other status queries in the upcoming v2 of the API.
    •  /accounts/transactions/v1/ach/details/{parNumber}
    • /accounts/transaction/v1/ach/list
  • Added the requestReference parameter to the getWireInquiryResult object in the Wire Inquiry API.
  • KeyVAM introduction on the dev portal home page and an summary guide on KeyVAM with links to learn more.
  • API Simulator product is now available for ACH API products endpoints (ACH Origination and ACH Inquiry). Speak to your Payments Advisor to learn more.

Levels of impact

Impact levelDescription
  • Non-breaking changes
  • Small change requests to improve content like to better define a term or provide an example for added clarity.
  • May include breaking changes like adding or removing an API parameter.
  • Code or configuration enhancement to an API in Production.
  • Breaking changes and/or a hot fix.
  • New product being released.

Types of API changes

API product changes are changes made to the code or configuration of the API product or related services. This can include adding a schema, adding or remove parameters, modification of parameter type or function, etc.

  • Breaking changes require upgrading to a new version of the API framework. These changes can cause incompatibility and possibly disrupt your connection to API services. Some examples of breaking changes are a change to the type of a parameter, removing request fields, or developing an existing object with additional parameters.
  • Non-breaking changes are changes that do not require you to upgrade to a new version or disrupt your connection to current API services. Some examples of a non-breaking change are to add an optional parameter field like a custom data field or removing a deprecating parameter no longer valid or in use.

API specification versioning

The API version in the API specification file (YAML) is a three-number format that incrementally increase based on the significance of the change. All API specifications are initially released with the version 1.0.0. 

There are three numbers for the major version, minor version, and patch number (X.X.X). 

There is a significant release for code and functional changes. This includes breaking changes like developing new schemas, breaking existing integration points, removing attributes, changing a parameter type, etc.A smaller release that include new operations and enhancements.Small incremental, non-breaking changes that are often backend or related to technical content like minor improvements or grammatical edits/clarity. This can include hot fixes.